Interesting and Humour - page 1912


It's New Year's Eve and we don't have any snow

Putin took all the snow to Sochi

All the snow is on the Maidan in the barricades.
The snow is all over the Maidan in the barricades.
All right then. They need it more.

a ritual is the procedure itself, the protocol of something

tradition is a kind of unwritten law, a reason for doing something

So, tradition passes judgement (common sense) and ritual enforces it. like this?
So tradition passes judgment and ritual enforces it. Like that?
Well, roughly speaking, as far as sentencing goes, yeah.

There is community - a living organism with a will of its own that is not subject to people. There are people - the cells of that organism.

When the organism wants something, it will make people do what it wants.

They will have a clear feeling that it needs to be done, but there may be no rational explanation as to why it needs to be done.

They will just have all sorts of rubbish in their heads, pushing them to act in the direction the community wants.

This is how traditions work. Traditions are a community's ideas about the most effective way for it to survive.

People don't create traditions. They can only keep track of them.)

Monotheists (Jews, Christians, Muslims) at this point let them close their eyes.

Polytheists (including possibly pagans) believe that communities of people are the gods.


Celebrating the New Year is a tradition.

Putting up a Christmas tree is a ritual.

Celebrating New Year's Eve in March is natural for the restoration of public spirit (February is the month with the highest number of deaths from "natural" causes - old age, loss of strength, illness, running out of supplies, avitaminosis, etc.).

Moving New Year's Eve to autumn or winter is a decision by force to change the tradition, the consequences are that the reason for the appearance of the holiday has been safely forgotten.

PS version.

Well, roughly speaking, as far as a sentence is concerned, yes.

So you're 100% unconventional about everything? ))

What definition do you even use when you use the term or hear it from others? Here are the variants: tradition (meanings)


That's his style. He'd look perfect with a stoned fox on his avatar. :)

It's okay, I like it.

So you're 100% non-traditional in everything? ))
Of course, I walk with my feet and eat with my nose in defiance of "tradition."

It's okay, I like it.

Well, that's what I'm saying. It's a nice ava, that's what it is.

You owe me a spill.
