Interesting and Humour - page 1918


Good night

Screw compromise. Throw out tradition and use common sense.

What's a fool to do?

They don't know what common sense is... That is why, instead of thinking, they usually have a set of traditional clichés which enable them not to think but to react. And it does not matter whether the traditions on which they rely are rational or irrational.

Tradition is the first and last defence of the stupid.



Incredible ability to concentrate

Watch to the end!

It runs in the family:

Чудеса баланса пером на 14 огромных палках Mädir Eugster (фото+видео)
Чудеса баланса пером на 14 огромных палках Mädir Eugster (фото+видео)
  • 2013.03.04
  • Интересный
Первый клип от Kamiwaza — японского шоу талантов 2013. Великолепное шоу от Mädir Eugster из цирка Rigolo. Сначала он кладет перо на маленькую палочку, затем берет палки побольше и кладет их одна на другую, так происходит почти 10 минут, пока палок не станет 14. Вы оцените сложность данного номера, после того как в конце, он уберет перо с первой...


Долг платежом страшен: Россия переживает бум потребкредитования
Долг платежом страшен: Россия переживает бум потребкредитования
Долг платежом страшен: Россия переживает бум потребкредитования. Потребительские кредиты прочно вошли в жизнь россиян. Сегодня почти не осталось мест, где мы не смогли бы ознакомиться с условиями ...


I'm embarrassed to ask, whose carrot is that sticking out of your ear?

You, this, I understand, proximity to Europe and all that, but propaganda is forbidden in our "God-forsaken" one.


Project - 3D printer, powered by mains + USB, ... very easy to use.

I understand that this is a technical specification ... like the Jobs service here :) ... really - they've been making it for 18 months and have reached a finished working prototype (and there in the article - it's a finished prototype). The dream is that their pritters will be in every school or college. One will cost less than a thousand British pounds (if mass-produced).


I just imagined the spam ... :) i.e. with such a thing (if it can be connected via the cloud to mobile ipods (ipads) etc.) - then spam can go ... and spam is also visualized by .... a spammer wrote the word Hedgehog... You come home and the whole house is full of hedgehogs...

Robox : Desktop 3D Printer and Micro-Manufacturing Platform
Robox : Desktop 3D Printer and Micro-Manufacturing Platform
  • 2013.11.22
This is Robox! Designed to be the simplest, most reliable and comprehensive 3D printing platform available. Packed with innovation.

A sequel of sorts - already about a family company that bought some kind of 3D printer, and it prints different figures in sugar.

Семейное предприятие «Sugar Lab», созданное супругами в Калифорнии, специализируется на 3D-печати сахарных фигур. Компания быстро стала пользоваться большой популярностью. У новоиспеченных предпринимателей просто нет отбоя от клиентов.

The 3D printer's innovative method allows you to create almost any kind of sculpture out of sugar. The truth is. It would be a shame to dissolve such sugar in tea or coffee, as it's too beautiful and unique.

Gallery - all in sugar, made by a 3D printer


I am embarrassed to ask whose carrot is sticking out of your ear?

You, I understand the proximity to Europe and all that, but propaganda is forbidden in our "godforsaken" country.

Oh, don't turn your problems into Europe.

-The doctor draws a square and asks the patient:
- What is this?
- A bed. If you put the woman like this, you have to lie down like this.
The doctor draws a circle:
- And this?
- Also a bed. If you put the woman like this and you have to...
- And this? - and draws a triangle.
The patient looks at the doctor suspiciously and says:
- Doctor, you're a sex maniac!


It's a butterfly, just a butterfly.