Interesting and Humour - page 1913


Celebrating the New Year is a tradition.

Shit, yes, and a good one

Well, that's what I'm saying. It's a nice ava, that's what it is.

You owe me a prastava.

It's kind of a tradition. )))

Well, that's what I'm saying. It's a nice ava, that's what it is.

You owe me a spill.

You're self-serving in everything, I owe it to you, one cat for mice, one dog for security, the other cat for playing with children...
Prostavka is a kind of tradition. )))

No way!

It's a ritual for him!

The prastava is kind of a tradition. )))
in this case, greed.
You're self-serving in everything, I owe you, one cat for mice, one dog for security, another cat for playing with children...

Everyone has to do good!

By the way, when are you going to bring it?

in this case, greed.
Don't confuse ritual with greed!

Everyone has to do good!

By the way, when will you bring it?

Take it from Sanka, he owes me a case of beer.
Don't confuse ritual with greed.

Wow, your first cat cat catches mice by ritual?

And the dog, well, the dog's okay, he's really just guarding the house ritualistically.


There is community - a living organism with a will of its own that is not subject to people. There are people - the cells of that organism.

When the organism wants something, it will make people do what it wants.

They will have a clear feeling that it needs to be done, but there may be no rational explanation as to why it needs to be done.

They will just have all sorts of rubbish in their heads, pushing them to act in the direction the community wants.

This is how traditions work. Traditions are a community's ideas about the most effective way for it to survive.

People don't create traditions. They can only keep track of them.)

Monotheists (Jews, Christians, Muslims) let them close their eyes at this point.

Polytheists (including possibly pagans) believe that communities of people are the gods.

Important clarification:

Desire = need filtered by values // I do not recommend to challenge this formula right away, it is well grounded. However, if there are serious reasons to challenge it, then please engage in a dialogue.

Needs are quite an organic thing. The same cannot be said about values - they are mental constructions in essence and are collected on the dump of life quite chaotically, almost always "from authoritative sources", but by no means independently. Revising your own values almost always increases the productivity of life, mainly due to the "amount of common sense in the head".

So: a healthy organism does not need 'will'. The need for willed governance is always a consequence of contradictions between needs and values. // power and the people in your terminology.