Interesting and Humour - page 1753


Bears, guess what.

You shouldn't reject cats. You shouldn't


Bears, guess what.

You shouldn't reject cats. You shouldn't

He's going to say something about a cunning cat lurking about an intervention in the hedgehog camp - like a confidence builder, and then he'll ask to meet his folks...
is fattening up...
Don't bother, it's just photoshop.
Don't bother, it's just a photoshop.

Of course it's photoshopped. Look at the right hedgehog. How it greedily squeezes out the milk with its paws.



A History of the Russian State by Gundyaev.


A History of the Russian State by Gundyaev.

Taken out of context - so it is unclear what he wanted to tell us there. But in this context he is wrong. I do not think that the Greco-Roman Empire(Late Antiquity (3rd - 6th centuries AD 300 - 400 years) existed before the Aryan(15 - 17 thousand years ago = 150 - 170 centuries ago).

History of the Russian state by Gundyaev.

Gundyaev had the very unenviable role of turning on the brains of PGM patients.

One has to feel sorry for him.


Finance magazine conducted an amusing experiment: at the end of December 2008, a circus monkey called Lukerja was asked to choose a stock in which to invest. Acting as an investment analyst, Lukerja used her own judgement to pick eight out of 30 dice with inscriptions of listed stocks. A virtual 1 million roubles was distributed between them. It was assumed that the monkey spent the same amount on each of the eight blocks of shares, concluding transactions at the closing prices of trading on the MICEX on December 17, 2008.

Over the course of the year, Finans. closely monitored the fluctuations in the value of the circus investor's virtual portfolio. It should be borne in mind that the cute animal entered into a competition for profitability with a whole legion of experienced financiers, who were able to constantly change the structure of their portfolios using the most profitable investment ideas.

When the annual results were summed up, it turned out that the investment portfolio assembled by the super-monkey had appreciated by far more than the units of most of the most reputable funds over the year. Circus Monkey's portfolio showed a higher return over the year than the investments of 94% of Russia's collective managers. It earned 194% (during which time the MICEX index rose 107%, the RTS index rose 103% and the average performance was 109%).

There are many ways to look at the results of this amusing experiment, but you have to consider that a similar experiment was conducted in America. There, Lukeria's "colleague" outperformed more than 70% of professional financiers.

The reason is very simple. Traders had an opportunity to dump shares, when they had a feeling of an approaching "bear", and they could lose money on it. Monkey portfolios remained untouched. Which resulted in profitability for the monkeys.