Interesting and Humour - page 1760


What's there to see. Their own economy, finances and media are almost non-existent.

As part of the Soviet Union, they were a high-tech showcase, and now what... a buffer zone between the EU and Russia. They just expect non-residents to buy their real estate and somehow revive the economy.

I'm probably a victim of Russian zombie TV, sorry, I haven't watched it for years. OK, a victim of the internet.

It is impossible to revive with this money. There is very little of it. Besides, there is not much to revive. As much as you produced, you got and ate. That's it. That is normal for an economy without natural resources.

In business, most of them are local Russians, especially in Riga.


What's there to see. We hardly have our own economy, finances and media anymore.

As part of the Soviet Union they were a high-tech showcase and now what... a buffer zone between the EU and Russia. They only expect non-residents to buy their real estate and somehow revive the economy.

I'm probably a victim of Russian zombie TV, sorry, I haven't watched it for a few years. OK, a victim of the internet.

Russia has suffered just as much, you know that.
Stop. Let me get this straight. Russia or us? (parents, grandparents?)

2Mathemat- there is no split, Alexei, there is none. It does not exist among the people, nor does it exist in the minds of those who now sit high up on the bank (prezik and the like). in 2004 there was, because these same people sat in Donetsk and Kharkov, and then half the country was happy with them, now it is not. Their appetites have increased.

Regarding where we want to go. We do not want to go back to the Soviet Union. and this is the main topic, you could say the red line. Just SA with the EU is a chance to establish order in this country. Rules, laws.

We are not running away from Russia, we are running away from the Kremlin, and that is two big differences as they say in Odessa.

Yoschik: It is impossible to revive with this money. It's minuscule. Besides, there is nothing much to revive. How much you produce, how much you get and how much you eat. That's it. And this is normal for an economy without natural resources.

The smaller European countries (Belgium, Holland, the Netherlands, etc.) also lack natural resources. But these are countries with developed economies and democracies. And they are in place in the EU.

And the Baltics are now just an external and alien outgrowth to the EU, which is needed to bark at Russia (when the command is given) and to go there as a tourist. Can you feel the difference in status?

I understand that ordinary people do not care about status as long as they have sausages and spectacles.

Anyway, what's there to argue about... Forget it.


The smaller European countries (Belgium, Holland, the Netherlands, etc.) also lack natural resources. But these are countries with developed economies and democracies. And they are in place in the EU.

And the Baltics are now just an external and alien outgrowth to the EU, which is needed to bark at Russia (when the command is given) and to go there as a tourist. Can you feel the difference in status?

I understand that ordinary people don't care about status as long as they get sausages and spectacles.

In short, there is no point in arguing... Let's forget it.


Belgium and the Netherlands have an unbroken economic history, the Baltics do not.

Let these countries decide where and what they want, let them live the way they work and earn their money, we are not the ones to ask them for advice.

Rustam and Sergeyev are present here, explain them why they do not need to go to Europe and should enter the Customs Union.



In Moscow, for example, a migrant (they call them by that word) who arrived from the Central Asian republics, and if he can drive a KAMAZ, he can get a job for 80,000 rubles a month in a municipal company that cleans the city (any company) and helps his wife, who can be a janitor there for 30,000 rubles. Together they will have 110,000 rubles a month for two men. This is about 3500 in quid. And there is a place to live (if the state is a municipal enterprise). And if I get to Moscow by train, there are lots of borders with dogs and cops, and by plane you know how ... nose down...

A bald migrant from Asia can get a job for 80 rubles. You're too far removed from reality, my dear.

And with housing, too.

There's a mafia here. The middleman takes all the money. He'll also kick back to the employer. And even the middleman doesn't get 80 a head, that's an exaggeration.

It's just that I'm partly cooked in this stuff, a bit closer to the people.)

That's it ... Our money (and mine too ... because I pay taxes) goes back to Ukraine ... - News of the hour ...
Азаров: Украина получила согласие РФ на пересмотр газового контракта
Азаров: Украина получила согласие РФ на пересмотр газового контракта
Украинский премьер надеется, что пересмотр будет реализован в ходе переговоров.

I understand that ordinary people don't care about status as long as there are sausages and spectacles.

There is also the crime rate, health care...

A bald migrant from Asia will not get a job for 80 roubles. You are too far removed from reality, my dear.

And with housing, too.

There's a mafia here. The middleman takes all the money. He'll also kick back to the employer. And even the middleman doesn't get 80 a head, that's an exaggeration.

I'm partly in this business, I'm closer to the people.)

In Moscow there are now 50 per cent of migrants in this business (territory cleaning). It will be 100% Russian citizens.

about the kickback - see my previous post ... the guys have made it ... we can go our separate ways ... :)

there is also the crime rate, health care...
The crime rate in health care is also high