Interesting and Humour - page 3369


I've never seen their accoustics.


Abolish the ban on the sine being greater than 1.

Limiting the maximum value of the sine to one holds back the development of mathematics! In fact, this restriction was introduced artificially by Vladimir Bradis and supported by the printing lobby. Subsequently it was supported by the manufacturers of logarithmic rulers and later calculators. The time has come to abolish this barbaric ban!

Abolish the ban on the sine being greater than 1.

Limiting the maximum value of the sine to one holds back the development of mathematics! In fact, this restriction was introduced artificially by Vladimir Bradis and supported by the printing lobby. Subsequently it was supported by the manufacturers of logarithmic rulers and later calculators. The time has come to abolish this barbaric ban!
A sine of 90 degrees is equal to one if the circle has a single radius, but if you take a double or triple radius circle then the sine is two or three. So I don't think there is any restriction.
Vitalii Ananev:
The sine of 90 degrees is one if the circumference is one radius, but if you take a double or triple radius circumference, the sine is two or three. So I don't think there's any limit.


Sine is the ratio of the cathetus to the hypotenuse. And the hypotenuse is always greater than the cathetus, so if the divisor is greater, no matter how hard you try, the result is less than one...

1 is the maximum.



Sine is the ratio of the cathetus to the hypotenuse. And the hypotenuse is always greater than the cathetus, so if the divisor is greater, no matter how hard you try, the result is less than one...

1 is the maximum.

I'm a bad mathematician I won't argue. But if this ratio is then "scaled up" multiplied by 2 for example, the result is greater than unity.
Vitalii Ananev:
I'm not a good mathematician, I won't argue. But if you "scale" this ratio by 2, for example, the result is more than one.
You don't work for a housing maintenance company by any chance, they like to "scale up" the living space when calculating rent. Also the number of tenants is sometimes "scaled", but the maintenance workers complain that it is too dirty and they rarely "scale" the tenants, most often the floor area and unrecorded water and electricity consumption in the house.

A meteorite falls in Baikal 25.10.2016

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