Interesting and Humour - page 1755


Euromaidan: number of protesters in central Kiev has risen to 150,000


There's a good article about this guy on the lurk.

This comrade has a very flexible spine).

Bad article, dirty.


Euromaidan: number of protesters in central Kiev has risen to 150,000

true public television :

A completely unbiased view of the events.

...Moreover, in other cities the situation is even more serious. The Lviv City Council declared the central government of Ukraine to be illegitimate and to ignore the people's will for its own mercantilism: "Lviv has always been, is and will always be a European city. We, members of the city council, declare geopolitical reversal unacceptable. Ukraine is a European country. We will never become a raw materials colony of Russia. And there are protests, rallies, dissatisfaction everywhere... What is it, dear readers? Is Ukraine falling apart?

That's a complete lie. Let me explain.

For Lviv:

That's a complete lie. Let me explain.
I get it) is not falling apart, Kyiv as well as Lviv do not want to join the Kremlin.

Well, I will try to explain the situation in accessible terms, and on the topic of the forum:

Let's say there is such a neither big nor small kitchen called "Ukraine".

There is the leadership (the government), there are the majority (the oligarchs), and there are the minority (the people).

In general, a tough kitchen, they steal everything, it is impossible to withdraw profit, the commission is terrible, swaps and spreads are horrible. If a trader earns at least his deposit is blocked, all the charms.

If you do not know what to do and what to expect, you cannot do anything wrong.

And now, 4 years ago, when a new leadership came in, they proclaimed that they would move the kitchen towards regulation, to well-established rules, in general, everything would be right.

When the time came, everyone was told that that was it, we had changed our minds.

Consequently, people were outraged.

There is also the past leadership (the opposition), which was already at the helm, but it did the same thing. And when they now try to turn things in their direction, the people turn them away.


Ok, I will try to explain the situation in accessible terms, and on the subject of the forum:

imho, Yanukovych is a moron, he waved the euro flag in front of Ukrainians for so long that now there is no going back

it looks like you're in it for the long haul.

Rava Ruska refuses to abide by Cabinet of Ministers' decision

The authorities of the Ukrainian town of Rava Ruska, which is located near the border with Poland, have officially asked the European Union and the governments of its member states to sign the association agreement with the EU, has reported.

The city's mayor, Iryna Vereshchuk, said that she had the right to make this appeal since the European Charter of Local Self-Government provides such a possibility. According to her, the city's residents do not agree, do not support, do not recognize and will not obey the "anti-Ukrainian decision of the government" to stop preparations for association with the EU.

dump the hryvnia

How a small American town works

Is this why, we can't live like this?
Путешествие в Америку. Как работает маленький американский город
По дороге в Йеллоустоун (который я в итоге так и не посетил) я заехал в маленький американский город Ливинстоун, чтобы заглянуть там в местное полицейское…