Interesting and Humour - page 1732

Customer: I don't know what I want, let's try different options with your designer!
Manager: It costs 1,500 roubles an hour to work with a designer.
Client: You're out of your mind! Prostitutes cost less!
Manager: Try different options with prostitutes!

Buyer: Our budget is $400, but we don't need anything complicated...have you used Outlaw?
Designer: Yes, of course!
Buyer: Here we need a site with the same functionality, plus a few tweaks


We can't write the terms of reference - can you do it?
So what if it was written in the ToR, I may have written it in a state of affect...
Make changes on new comments that haven't been announced yet.
Play around with the shape of the square.
Really liked your idea with the negro. Can you remove the negro?
Use computer graphics to cheer the boy up.
We listened to the music for the video with my mother-in-law. She's not into it. Make it work!
Our company is extremely customer-focused. We would like to have people in the header. Lots of them. The only request - they should not look like people...
This layout is just great, and the font is beautiful, the illustration fits perfectly. And the red colour is so bright! But let's take out the picture, let's write all the letters in black and let's make the background white.
You don't understand anything! I sent you a normal file, but for the logo to be a vector in a jpeg, you have to poke it with a stick!
We have four basic colours: circle and square!
I need to depict a state of confusion on the faces on the banner and as if a jar of our shoe cream from the LUX series is descending upon them from above.
Paint this wall the colour of a mirror, just so it doesn't reflect anything.
What we lack in concept is creative design and the concept itself.
I want you to use every colour of the rainbow in the logo except brown.


Country duty. November 2013

...accumulate, for fuck's sake ...)

Brilliant! fuck...)
Genius! fuck...)

Durov bought Lepra.

What for?


It's like a duck.

Thank you, already.

Kazan's public areas are under heightened control because of the terrorist threat
The Tatarstan capital's underground and train stations have been given extra security with patrols in the streets.

The authorities took such measures after reports of the burning of two Orthodox churches in the republic and the discovery of explosive devices on its territory.

The president himself gave the order to strengthen security measures.


The hedgehog sat there thinking, "It's nice to be together again. We're sitting here drinking tea with raspberry jam and counting the stars."

And the little bear sat there thinking, "How nice it is to invite friends over and give them tea from a samovar on juniper twigs."

And the little fox was sitting there thinking, "How?! How can I keep this moment going and going and never ending? After all, it will end sooner or later - we'll get drunk on tea, we'll get tired, we'll get sleepy. Yes, we will get together again one day, but then there will be different weather, different conversations, different moods. We will be different. But if we will be different, will we no longer be what we are now? We will disappear? After all, all things disappear in the end."

That's how the fox became aware of the concept of death for the first time.

And that realization changed the little fox forever. No, no, he'll still be frolicking in the sunny glade, drinking tea with his friends under the stars, but he'll never be the same again.

Is that good or bad, you ask? I don't know, all I can say is that it is inevitable. Yes, I could talk a lot about growing up right, about the value of knowledge, even if its indispensable companion is sadness, about wisdom and responsibility. But that's not the point. Whatever we gain, we also lose. We lose childhood spontaneity and admiration, awe and imagination, faith in wonder and readiness for it. We also lose immortality.

"Fi!" - you'll say, "Well, what kind of immortality is that! It is an illusion. Just ignorance of death."
But I say it's real immortality, the only immortality available to a sentient being. Because when you're alive and you think you're immortal, you live as if you're immortal. And when you are dead, there is no one left to realise that here it is death, has already come. If we managed to keep ignorance of death until death, we would be immortal and die immortal.

Anyway, decide for yourselves what is good and what is fate. But I know one thing for sure and I'll tell you a secret: The fox will dream about this evening from time to time for the rest of his life. Although he will wake up in the morning with wet eyes, somewhere inside he will have a warm and bright feeling that will stay with him all day long.