Interesting and Humour - page 1472

American president angered by the stupid stubbornness of the Russian dictator-sovok

Did you believe it? ))

About Obama, Putin and donkeys


Did you believe it? ))

Either way, it worked. More than 250k likes. They'll figure it out from there.)

Anyone good at English?


Anyway, it worked. More than 250k likes. They'll figure it out from there.)


Where's 250k likes? ) couldn't find...
Where are the 250k likes? ) I couldn't find any...
At the source, actually.
At the source.
Amazing! ) Not many articles have so many votes there. ))
Yes they may have even more now ... they are, as I understand it, gathering youth votes ... hence the patsy name-calling such as from the UK on twitter such as "P***n really dr*cher" (and after that MP was reprimanded by UK authorities - he still said his last word ... like there I know I said harshly but I think the real dr*cker ...), well here about Ob*ma ... they are collecting votes within their own countries ... if they need to collect votes from musicians, they will start singing songs ... It's their internal affair... They'd better take care of their veterans as much as they are taking care of this action ...

These articles do not apply to us at all. Because we berate our country's top brass in a way that they would never dream of in the West ... You know, two people said something and then we'll all hang ourselves ... :) They're naive people in the west... like they hurt us here... :)

But that's my personal opinion, sorry.