Interesting and Humour - page 3228

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You, useful one, don't waste your time on my posts.

Personally, your presence doesn't bother me or euphoric in any way.

I read your posts "through and through", literally glancing through 1 in 10, and that's it.

I am just not interested in what you write. Not interested at all.

You amuse me only from a "psychological" point of view. It's interesting to me to watch all sorts of various sycophants start hanging around you (you just showed up, one already popped up, haven't written anything in a while). Your trolling is all right too, honed. It's especially amusing when compared to the inane and talentless trolling of your admirers. That's interesting for me to watch too.

So, Bear, keep on burning. For the enjoyment of the resource. I'm interested to see how quickly you get into a confrontation with the moderators and who bans your clone for how long.

Bolkonsky, you know, you come into my mind as a little green man.

An ordinary school, an ordinary day

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Bolkonsky, you know, you are shaped in your imagination as a little green man.

Does your imagination have sparks in its eyes? It's just that your imagination/imagination is sparkling too much.

Keep imagining and fantasising, don't stop there.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Does your imagination have sparks in its eyes? It's just that your imagination/imagination is sparkling too much.

Keep imagining and fantasising, don't stop there.

For the fourth time, please answer me,is this your life position?Andrey F. Zelinsky: The rule is peculiar to any viable culture: "What was yours is now ours.
For some reason the phrase"Stalinist pensioner" always reads like "Satanist pensioner" to me.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
For some reason I always read the phrase"retired Stalinist" as "retired Satanist".
One does not preclude the other) A retired Stalinist can be a Satanist at the same time.

An ordinary school, an ordinary day

What's so interesting?
Alexandr Saprykin:
What's so interesting?

Guess what?

Alexandr Saprykin:
What's so interesting about it?
That's just it, there's nothing
Dmitry Fedoseev:
For some reason the phrase"Stalinist pensioner" always reads like "Satanist pensioner" to me.
I have to wonder, those who are NOT Stalinists and NOT pensioners, where are they from? Are they from Oxford or Sorbonne? Or are they just simple, unrelated Ivanites?