Interesting and Humour - page 1369


Scientists have proved that work causes depression:

If a person spends a lot of time in a demanding job, he or she will eventually come to depression. Takahashi Amagasa and Takeo Nakayama of the Kyoto School of Public Health (Japan) reached this conclusion.


Good morning


Scientists have proved that work causes depression:

If a person spends a lot of time in a demanding job, he or she will eventually come to depression. Takahashi Amagasa and Takeo Nakayama of the Kyoto School of Public Health (Japan) reached this conclusion.

I wonder how long it took them to come to such an ingenious conclusion?))

Fund launched to support Snowden financially

A journalist's fund to protect sources has started raising money for former CIA employee Edward Snowden.

The fund is the only fundraiser endorsed by Wikileaks and Snowden himself.

The fund is governed by UK law.

"The money raised will go towards legal support, as this will be a long and expensive journey that we can only get through with your help. Support the right to know. Support Edward Snowden," the message reads.

With 14 hours of fundraising, the account stands at $5965, with 40 people helping.

No one wants to chip in? Help a poor American?)))


A funny video about the safety rules on planes.

Too bad (the boob theme is not covered)