Interesting and Humour - page 3177

Karputov Vladimir:

What's inside the Olympic torch?

Nothing special inside the Olympic torch. There is a sliding body, special materials, nozzles and adjustments. Where's the bluetooth, where's the internet access so you can get the gas?

That is why their torch goes out at the most inopportune moment. It is easier to soak a rag in paraffin and run, it will not go out.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Nothing special inside the Olympic torch. There's the sliding body, the special materials, the nozzles, the adjustments. But where is the bluetooth, where is the Internet access so that you can give the gas a boost?

That's why their torch goes out at the most inopportune moment. It's easier to soak a rag in paraffin and run, it won't go out.

A rag soaked in paraffin doesn't smell very nice when it burns.
About disgruntled customers
Karputov Vladimir:

You've been looking in the wrong place:

manure is delicious

More than ten years ago, one Kaliningrad farmer ordered manure from Belgium. The Belgians were happy (they have nowhere to put high-quality manure), and our farmer would have made a profit (the Belgians even paid for the "disposal" of their manure). Our farmer ordered 50 thousand tons to try it out. The Belgians said that they could fill the entire former Königsberg with high-class manure - enough for a lifetime.

The manure arrived by sea - the first 50 thousand tonnes, and then it started ... "we don't need manure from NATO" ... statements of regional officials ... etc.
People read newspaper articles and laughed, waited for local news on TV, listened and laughed (the whole town laughed) - they thought it was a joke, the farmer was perplexed - why he was denied such a good deal, and what does politics have to do with it.

There we remained with our ...
Калининградская область. 50 тыс. тонн свиного навоза из Бельгии прибудет завтра в порт Пионерский - ИА REGNUM
Калининградская область. 50 тыс. тонн свиного навоза из Бельгии прибудет завтра в порт Пионерский - ИА REGNUM
Как сообщили ИА REGNUM, это первая партия удобрения, поставляемая в Россию по контракту из Бельгии. По информации группы
Karputov Vladimir:
A cloth soaked in paraffin does not smell very nice when it burns.
Paraffin is not the most pleasant-smelling even without burning
Yury Reshetov:
Paraffin without burning is not the most pleasant to smell
But for some reason the crucian carp love the smell of it...
Vladimir Suschenko:
But for some reason the crucian carp like the smell of it...
There is no difference in taste or colour, is there?)
Yury Reshetov:
Paraffin without burning is not the most pleasant to smell
And by the way, its smell depends very much on the degree of refinement (or maybe the composition is different) - aviation paraffin smells much nicer than regular technical paraffin.
Vladimir Suschenko:
And by the way, its smell depends very much on the degree of refinement (or maybe the composition is different) - aviation paraffin smells much nicer than normal technical paraffin.
Aviation paraffin is a misnomer. In fact, this terribly poisonous seven is called "TC" - jet fuel. Plain paraffin should not be confused with this terribly poisonous nastiness 'TC'.