Interesting and Humour - page 1357


and you're sitting here with nothing to do.

It's the magic command "shzzhtashp". It can read any IP address and legal email addresses.

It's the "must know" of any professional hacker.)


Lies in a pretty wrapper, vitamins are important - the whole trick is in their balance, ask any doctor with experience, avitaminosis in one degree or another in 90% of the population.

I tried vitamins in the right balance on myself, I only then understood - what is avitaminosis, when I felt on myself what it is when there is no avitaminosis ...


Urgently sell real estate in Russia and buy in Ukraine. Now the exchange is profitable, and after the implementation of the prophecy, the reverse will be profitable (if of course one wants it).

In Russia (as in Ukraine) there is such a stratification that only oligarchs will feel bad, a simple man will not feel it, I think the opposite, the economy will recover, will get rid of gas needles, you will start to drink your milk and support domestic producers.

There is a diagram there about the implementation of the national budget, that much is tied to gas, well, the revenues will decrease, it will be harder to steal, the government will not take a pension from grandmothers. They will reduce the number of hangers-on, that is all.


Urgently sell real estate in Russia and buy in Ukraine. Now the exchange is profitable, and after the implementation of the prophecy, the reverse will be profitable (if of course one wants it).

In Russia (as well as in Ukraine) there is such a stratification that only oligarchs will feel bad, a simple man will not feel it, I think on the contrary, the economy will get better, will get rid of gas needles, will start to drink their milk and support domestic producers.

There is a chart over there about the national budget that a lot is tied to gas, well, revenues will be reduced and it will be harder to steal, the government will not take pensions from grandmothers. They will reduce the number of hangers-on, that is all.

Given that Gazprom has already collapsed 3 times from its highs, I think we are already drinking milk). Now Putin and Medvedev have decided to force everyone onto gas instead of petrol).

Gazprom was once the world's number one company, now it is Apple. The world got off the gas needle and got on the iPhone.)


Urgently sell real estate in Russia and buy in Ukraine. Now the exchange is profitable, and after the implementation of the prophecy, the reverse will be profitable (if of course one wants it).

In Russia (as in Ukraine) there is such a stratification that only oligarchs will feel bad, a simple man will not feel it, I think the opposite, the economy will recover, will get rid of gas needles, you will start to drink your milk and support domestic producers.

There is a chart over there about the execution of the national budget, that much is tied to gas, well, the revenues will decrease, it will be harder to steal, the government will not take the pension from the grandmothers. They will reduce the number of hangers-on, that is all.

Yes, I like Ukraine too) Given that I'm half-Ukrainian myself, my father's parents are from Mykolayiv) I chatted with a lot of Ukrainians here in the suburbs, I was impressed. They are very dynamic people, they have come to earn money and are earning quite well. While we Russians are too lazy to get off our backsides once in a while, all because of the oil and gas freebies.

Ukraine at least lives honestly, may not be rich, but it earns its own money.

Thanks to the Airborne Forces, we don't have to fear attacks from armies of bottles, bricks and market vendors.

On packets of cigarettes it should not say "Smoking kills", but "Happy people don't smoke". That's what I mean, that's motivation, that's cause for reflection.

The tsarina gave birth to a net son in the night, a gross daughter.

Seliger is Russia's vegetable garden.

On the day of Russia's baptism, priests bathe in fountains, ask "in which church did you serve?!" and smash censers over their heads.

It is a paradox: few people need a man capable of thinking, yet all need a man capable of doing.

The visuals are astonishing. Deeper and deeper into the brain... deeper and deeper...
