Interesting and Humour - page 1353


No, they don't.

But if we believe that the country is run by idiots ... then where do they come from if not from us?


Why do they keep it when the country is run by idiots ... Where do they come from if not from us?

I would not generalize.)

Negative selection is now at work in the country, based not on the creative qualities of the Executive, but on his loyalty. For a while it will help to hold on to power, and then everything will break down and fall apart.


Let me make you a bunny avatar.)

Well, I would not generalize.)

Negative selection is now working in the country, based not on the creative qualities of the Executive, but on his loyalty. For a while it will help to retain power, but then everything will break down and fall apart.

quite agree

partly because of selection, but again from those who used to be at the bottom ...

conclusion, there are enough down there too - and there are many to choose from ...

Of course, selectivity selects the "best".

The mistake in the picture could be a STEBBLE ... The "artist" - the author of the poster, who decided to amuse us :-)

At one time I saw portrait painters in the 70s wondering where to attach the 5th hero star to the leader of stagnation...

it was fun to listen to "neat" jokes, there was no internet and jokes were mostly in the kitchens

Let me make you a bunny avatar.)

I've already thought about it - I've tried lots of options - my ears don't fit.

quite agree

partly got there by selection but again from those who were once down ...

conclusion, there's plenty down there too.

selectivity of course selects the "best"

The mistake in the picture could be a STEBBLE ... the "artist" - the author of this poster, who thus decided to amuse us :-)

At one time I saw portrait artists in the 70s scratching their heads as to where to attach the 5th hero star to our leader

it was fun to listen to 'neat' jokes, there was no internet and jokes were mostly in the kitchens

In front of our zoo there was Brezhnev with three stars on a blind wall of a six-storey building.

The problem started when the fourth one appeared and was solved by widening it at the shoulders. Ridiculous was with the fifth, instead of redrawing all the stars, again extended the shoulders. So he was hanging like a big man.)

Let me make you a bunny avatar.)

Now that's a theme. ))


I've thought about it - I've tried lots of options - my ears don't fit

The ears do. I'll have to bend them in half.

I've thought about it - I've tried lots of options - my ears don't fit