Interesting and Humour - page 1068


Multiplication of numbers is an action which, given two numbers a(a factor) and b(a multiplier), allows you to find a third number ab (product) which is equal to the sum of b summands, each of which is equal to a.

The multiplier is the number which is multiplied by the multiplier.

A multiplier is a number which shows how many times you have to repeat some other number (the multiplier) to get the product.

In this problem:

-- 2 litres of milk (the multiplier), which must be multiplied by 9 farmers (the multiplier)

Why make it so complicated? It is easier to say that:

If the multiplier and the multiplier swap roles, the product remains the same.

It is easier to complicate. Simplify is more difficult. (с) ?

Hooray !!!

Let's get it all back in the ass, that's cool.

I'm just imagining the draft dudes shoving shit up their asses,

and a couple of hours later, dumplings, lard and Vienna sausages fall out of their mouths :)

That slogan alone could solve the food program in a heartbeat.


Maths went well)

Let's continue


Maths went well)

Let's continue

Nice! ))) I'll take it from here. Just have to do the math myself first. )))

The conditions of the problem say: 9 customers 2 litres each.

The solution is: 9 * 2

The sequence is correct and the child was thinking correctly.

The question was "How much milk did the farmer sell?" Then it was: 2l*9=18l.

If the question had been "How much milk did the customers buy?", then: 9*2l=18l.

In fact - a trifle, insignificant and unprincipled in this case, a logical formality, but not a mistake.

It is not clever or pedagogical to lower a child's grade by as much as two (!) points.

If the topic of the lesson had been "Coefficient" (which was a topic in the old textbooks) the teacher would have been understandable.

The teacher's approach was too formal.


Essentially a minor, insignificant and irrelevant logical formality in this case, but not an error.

It is not clever or pedagogical to lower a child's grade by as much as two (!) points.The teacher is a formalist.

Characteristics of a numerical score (mark)

"5" ("excellent") - level of fulfilment of requirements significantly above satisfactory: no errors in both current and previous learning material; no more than one deficiency; logical and complete presentation.

"4" ("good") - level of fulfilment of requirements above satisfactory: use of additional material, completeness and logicality of disclosure of the issue; independence of judgments, reflection of own attitude to the subject of discussion. The presence of 2-3 mistakes or 4-6 defects on the current course material; not more than 2 mistakes or 4 defects on the passed material; insignificant violations of the presentation logic; the use of irrational methods of solving the educational task; separate inaccuracies in the presentation of the material.

"3" ("satisfactory") - satisfactory minimum level of fulfilment of the requirements to a particular work; not more than 4-6 mistakes or 10 defects on the current course material; not more than 3-5 mistakes or not more than 8 defects on the passed course material; separate violations of the presentation logic; incomplete disclosure of the question.

"2" ("bad") - level of fulfilment of requirements below satisfactory: presence of more than 6 mistakes or 10 shortcomings in the current material; more than 5 mistakes or more than 8 shortcomings in the studied material; violation of logic, incompleteness, lack of disclosure of the discussed question, absence of argumentation or erroneousness of its main provisions.

The teacher gave a "3" (satisfactory) - correct, in accordance with the established requirements for the assessment of knowledge. The teacher is at work, not handing out grades.



Characteristics of a numerical assessment (mark)

"5" ("excellent") - level of fulfilment of requirements significantly above satisfactory: absence of errors both on current and previous learning material; not more than one deficiency; logicality and completeness of presentation.

"4" ("good") - level of fulfilment of requirements above satisfactory: use of additional material, completeness and logicality of disclosure of the issue; independence of judgments, reflection of own attitude to the subject of discussion. The presence of 2-3 mistakes or 4-6 defects on the current course material; not more than 2 mistakes or 4 defects on the passed material; insignificant violations of the presentation logic; the use of irrational methods of solving the educational task; separate inaccuracies in the presentation of the material.

"3" ("satisfactory") - satisfactory minimum level of fulfilment of the requirements to a particular work; not more than 4-6 mistakes or 10 defects on the current course material; not more than 3-5 mistakes or not more than 8 defects on the passed course material; separate violations of the presentation logic; incomplete disclosure of the question.

"2" ("bad") - level of fulfilment of requirements below satisfactory: presence of more than 6 mistakes or 10 shortcomings in the current material; more than 5 mistakes or more than 8 shortcomings in the studied material; violation of logic, incompleteness, lack of disclosure of the discussed question, absence of argumentation or fallacy of its main provisions.

The teacher gave a "3" (satisfactory) - correct, according to the established requirements for the assessment of knowledge. The teacher is at work, not at giving marks.

He is neither a teacher nor a pedagogue, he is a teacher, and he would be worthless if he worked in the quality control department at a precision instrument factory...(.

Characteristics of a numerical assessment (mark)

"5" ("excellent") - level of fulfilment of requirements significantly above satisfactory: absence of errors both on current and previous learning material; not more than one deficiency; logicality and completeness of presentation.

"4" ("good") - level of fulfilment of requirements above satisfactory: use of additional material, completeness and logicality of disclosure of the issue; independence of judgments, reflection of own attitude to the subject of discussion. The presence of 2-3 mistakes or 4-6 defects on the current course material; not more than 2 mistakes or 4 defects on the passed material; insignificant violations of the presentation logic; the use of irrational methods of solving the educational task; separate inaccuracies in the presentation of the material.

"3" ("satisfactory") - satisfactory minimum level of fulfilment of the requirements to a particular work; not more than 4-6 mistakes or 10 defects on the current course material; not more than 3-5 mistakes or not more than 8 defects on the passed course material; separate violations of the presentation logic; incomplete disclosure of the question.

"2" ("bad") - level of fulfilment of requirements below satisfactory: presence of more than 6 mistakes or 10 shortcomings in the current material; more than 5 mistakes or more than 8 shortcomings in the studied material; violation of logic, incompleteness, lack of disclosure of the discussed question, absence of argumentation or erroneousness of its main provisions.

The teacher gave a "3" (satisfactory) - correct, according to the established requirements for the assessment of knowledge. The teacher is at work, not at handing out assessments.

The student has demonstrated:

"5"... independent judgement and reflection of his/her attitude towards the subject

"4" ... no errors in both current and prior learning material; no more than one deficiency; logical and complete presentation.

The pupil has no defects at all. The answer is correct, as well as the solution, and the child is clearly able to think and not just copy. All children should learn in this way.

He is not a teacher and not a pedagogue, he would be worthless if he worked in the quality assurance department at a precision instrument engineering plant...(

The pupil manifested:

"5"... independent judgement, a reflection of his/her attitude towards the subject

"4" ... no errors in both current and previous learning material; no more than one deficiency; logical and complete presentation.

The pupil has no defects at all. The answer is correct, as well as the solution, and the child is clearly able to think and not just copy. All children should learn so.

I agree 100% ! The teacher is an idiot quite !