//| CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//| https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.00"
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME Symbol()+".C" // custom symbol name
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PATH "Forex" // name of the group, in which a symbol is to be created
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN Symbol() // name of a symbol a custom one is to be based on
#define SESSION_0_FROM D'1970.01.01 00:15:00' // session 0 start time
#define SESSION_0_TO D'1970.01.01 11:59:00' // session 0 end time
#define SESSION_1_FROM D'1970.01.01 12:15:00' // session 1 start time
#define SESSION_1_TO D'1970.01.01 23:59:00' // session 1 end time
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
//--- get the error code when creating a custom symbol
//--- if the error code is not 0 (successful symbol creation) and not 5304 (symbol has already been created) - leave
if(create!=0 && create!=5304)
//--- print the header with the base symbol and session index and
//--- in a loop by day of the week from Mon to Fri, print the start and end times of each quote session in the journal
for(int session=0; session<2; session++)
PrintFormat("Quote session %d of '%s' symbol from which the custom '%s' was created", session, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
for(int day_of_week=MONDAY; day_of_week<SATURDAY; day_of_week++)
SymbolInfoSessionQuotePrint(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN, (ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)day_of_week, session);
//--- in a loop by two sessions
bool res=true;
for(int session=0; session<2; session++)
datetime from = SESSION_0_FROM;
datetime to = SESSION_0_TO;
from = SESSION_1_FROM;
to = SESSION_1_TO;
//--- set the quote sessions time for a custom symbol of each day of the week
for(int day_of_week=MONDAY; day_of_week<SATURDAY; day_of_week++)
res &=CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, (ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)day_of_week, session, from, to);
//--- if there was an error when setting any of the sessions, display an appropriate message in the journal
Print("CustomSymbolSetSessionQuote() failed. Error ", GetLastError());
//--- print the header with the custom symbol and session index and
//--- in a loop by day of the week from Mon to Fri, print the start and end times of each quote session in the journal
for(int session=0; session<2; session++)
PrintFormat("Quote session %d of custom symbol '%s' based on '%s'", session, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN);
for(int day_of_week=MONDAY; day_of_week<SATURDAY; day_of_week++)
SymbolInfoSessionQuotePrint(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, (ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)day_of_week, session);
//--- display a hint about the script termination keys on the chart comment
Comment(StringFormat("Press 'Esc' to exit or 'Del' to delete the '%s' symbol and exit", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME));
//--- wait for pressing the Esc or Del keys to exit in an endless loop
while(!IsStopped() && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_KEYSTATE_ESCAPE)==0)
//--- when pressing Del, delete the created custom symbol
PrintFormat("Custom symbol '%s' deleted successfully", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- clear the chart before exiting
Quote session 0 of 'EURUSD' symbol from which the custom 'EURUSD.C' was created
- Monday 00:15 - 23:55
- Tuesday 00:15 - 23:55
- Wednesday 00:15 - 23:55
- Thursday 00:15 - 23:55
- Friday 00:15 - 23:55
Quote session 1 of 'EURUSD' symbol from which the custom 'EURUSD.C' was created
- Monday Session not set
- Tuesday Session not set
- Wednesday Session not set
- Thursday Session not set
- Friday Session not set
Quote session 0 of custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' based on 'EURUSD'
- Monday 00:15 - 11:59
- Tuesday 00:15 - 11:59
- Wednesday 00:15 - 11:59
- Thursday 00:15 - 11:59
- Friday 00:15 - 11:59
Quote session 1 of custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' based on 'EURUSD'
- Monday 12:15 - 23:59
- Tuesday 12:15 - 23:59
- Wednesday 12:15 - 23:59
- Thursday 12:15 - 23:59
- Friday 12:15 - 23:59
//| Create a custom symbol, return an error code |
int CreateCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name, const string symbol_path, const string symbol_origin=NULL)
//--- define the name of a symbol a custom one is to be based on
string origin=(symbol_origin==NULL ? Symbol() : symbol_origin);
//--- if failed to create a custom symbol and this is not error 5304, report this in the journal
int error=0;
if(!CustomSymbolCreate(symbol_name, symbol_path, origin))
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolCreate(%s, %s, %s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, symbol_path, origin, error);
//--- successful
//| Remove a custom symbol |
bool DeleteCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name)
//--- hide the symbol from the Market Watch window
if(!SymbolSelect(symbol_name, false))
PrintFormat("SymbolSelect(%s, false) failed. Error %d", GetLastError());
//--- if failed to delete a custom symbol, report this in the journal and return 'false'
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolDelete(%s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, GetLastError());
//--- successful
//| Send the start and end times of the specified quote session |
//| for the specified symbol and day of the week to the journal |
void SymbolInfoSessionQuotePrint(const string symbol, const ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK day_of_week, const uint session_index)
//--- declare variables to record the beginning and end of the quote session
datetime date_from; // session start time
datetime date_to; // session end time
//--- create the week day name from the enumeration constant
string week_day=EnumToString(day_of_week);
week_day.SetChar(0, ushort(week_day.GetChar(0)-32));
//--- get data from the quotation session by symbol and day of the week
if(!SymbolInfoSessionQuote(symbol, day_of_week, session_index, date_from, date_to))
int err=GetLastError();
string message=(err==4307 ? StringFormat("- %-10s Session not set", week_day) :
StringFormat("SymbolInfoSessionQuote(%s, %s, session %d) failed. Error %d", symbol, week_day, session_index, GetLastError()));
//--- send data for the specified quote session to the journal
PrintFormat("- %-10s %s - %s", week_day, TimeToString(date_from, TIME_MINUTES), TimeToString(date_to, TIME_MINUTES));