11 February 2016, 19:35
Vasilii Apostolidi

The following are the latest technical setups for EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, and USD/CAD as provided by the technical strategy team at Barclays Capital.

EUR/USD: Yesterday’s “doji” candle warns of a potential top. A low close today would encourage us to turn move bearish against resistance near the 1.1495 range highs. Below 1.1160 would point towards initial targets near 1.1060.

USD/JPY: Having reached our initial targets near 113.10, we now expect further weakness towards our greater targets in the 110.35 area. Beyond there we see room for a move towards 106.00. .

AUD/USD: Tuesday’s basing candle signals a pause in the recent down-move. We are bearish against the 0.7245 range highs and look for a move below initial targets near 0.7000 to signal lower towards our greater in the 0.6915 area. 

NZD/USD: We are overall bearish against the 0.6900 range highs. Nearby resistance at 0.6755 is expected to provide selling interest for a move lower towards the 0.6415 area and then our greater targets near the 0.6345 lows.

USD/CAD: We are bullish against support near 1.3640 and look for a move towards initial targets near 1.4105 and then 1.4170.

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