China Ministry: Non-ferrous metal sector will continue decline

China Ministry: Non-ferrous metal sector will continue decline

23 February 2015, 13:30

China's non-ferrous metal sector is seen set to continue its decline in 2015, as a slowing economy has undermined demand while excess production capacity has contained the sector's development.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), while investment in the sector will continue to descend, growth in output and consumption of 10 major non-ferrous metals including copper, aluminum, lead and zinc, will slow further.

China produced 44.17 million tonnes of metals in 2014, up 7.2 percent form one year earlier, but the pace of growth slowed from the 9.9-percent rise registered in 2013, said the MIIT in a statement.

The decline came amid lingering weakness in economic activity. China's economy rose by 7.4 percent last year, the slowest pace in a quarter of a century, said Xinhua.