How Each and Every Top Cryptocurrency has Reacted to the Bitcoin’s Explosive Price Rally to the North

How Each and Every Top Cryptocurrency has Reacted to the Bitcoin’s Explosive Price Rally to the North

14 November 2014, 09:11

Bitcoin is the locomotive of some train, with multiple bogies (altcoins) tied to its back. As a result, wherever it goes, the altcoins follow.


Most-traded cryptocurrency to Bitcoin is Litecoin. The silver-unit was previously subjected to too much criticism, as it value was faltering rapidly due to low demand, manipulation from the miners’ end, and increasing competition. When Bitcoin bullish rally began to appear, Litecoin prices also advanced north and rose from $3.65 to the current $4.05. It is almost 18%.


This cryptocurrency is less about market caps and values and more about community strength. Even then, it had its shares of downfalls in past. Like Litecoin, its market has also suffered a range of issues like increasing mining difficulty, low hashrates, less merchant demand, etc. But in last few days, the meme-based cryptocurrency displayed a vast improvement after following the Bitcoin market’s optimism.


Peercoin currently holds a substantial community for being among the only cryptocurrency having a steady and long-term sustainability. However in terms of market cap and value, this PoS coin is facing competitions from the new, feature-rich altcoins. But in last few days, the coin is slowly adopting the current optimism in the market, initiated after the Bitcoin upward rally.


Darkcoin is still unable to adopt the current market’s optimism It might be because of an ongoing patchwork in its Darksend platform, due to which the obfuscation service is unavailable to its users. Outside the Darkcoin community, investors without an adequate knowledge of Darkcoin may be just waiting for this patchwork to finish before making any trades.