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Dear Trader, The uncertainty surrounding the ongoing Greece debt negotiations is generating an increased volatility in the markets, this has increased as a of the result of the referendum held Sunday the 5th July 2015...
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Matthew Todorovski, 8 July 2015, 17:32
Chinese Trading Suspensions Freeze $1.4 Trillion of Shares Amid Rout Chinese companies have found a guaranteed way to prevent investors from selling their shares: suspend trading...
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 13:53
Current trend Chinese stock market is falling while the government is trying to stop the panic and prevent further fall. Chinese regulator asked state owned companies to avoid selling their own shares to stabilise the market. Despite their attempts, Shanghai Composite fell by 5...
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Claws and Horns, 8 July 2015, 13:51
USDCAD: Sets Up To Weaken On Correction USDCAD: With USDCAD strengthening further on Tuesday , it faces further upside risk. However, having lost a lot of those gains on Tuesday, we could see a correction lower in the days ahead. It was seen declining as at the time of this analysis...
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FXTechstrategy Team, 8 July 2015, 13:50
With the climax going on these days, Sunday is now seen as the denouement of a five-year battle to contain Greece’s debts, possibly splitting a currency that was meant to last and throwing more than half a century of European economic and political integration into reverse...
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Alice F, 8 July 2015, 13:23 #ECB
A London Hedge Fund Lost $1.2 Million in a Friday Afternoon Phone Scam The finance chief at Fortelus Capital Management LLP got an alarming phone call just as he was getting ready to leave work on a Friday...
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 12:59
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney led an emergency meeting of the central bank’s Financial Policy Committee at the end of last month as the crisis in Greece escalated...
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 12:10
Daily economic digest from Stay informed of the key economic events Wednesday, July 8th USD/JPY is broadly lower after positive data from Japan contributed to the strengthening of yen. The Japanese adjusted current account was 1.64T as opposed to 1.38T expected. The current account n.s.a...
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EEAnalytics, 8 July 2015, 11:06
Referring to the gold market, analysts signal that the metal is now locked in the battle between the Greek turmoil and the Fed interest rates, with the latter winning the battle. However, another question has risen with respect to Greece: can the U.S...
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Alice F, 8 July 2015, 10:29 #Fed, gold
Yesterday we saw US dollar strength across the board. I was too chicken to trade, so I didn't do anything. There were so many moving parts that I just didn't know what to do. When I don't know what to do, I don't trade. It's that simple...
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Mark Yagalla, 8 July 2015, 10:10
"Opinion is divided between the following two trains of thought: i) that the market is still optimistic that a negotiated settlement can be reached and Grexit averted. Or, ii) Grexit is no longer seen as particularly disruptive for global markets, at least in the short-term...
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Sergey Golubev, 8 July 2015, 09:11
Germany led the European opposition to reject any kind of debt restructuring for Greece. They insisted that Greece must make “reforms”, aka more austerity and that that is the only way out. One reason is that the German public would not react positively to seeing losses on Greek bailouts...
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[Deleted], 8 July 2015, 04:25
NZD/USD: Short position opened A position has been opened for this pair. The NZD is the weakest currency after the AUD and the USD which is at the moment the strongest currency with a score of 8. A short position has been openened on July 1 at 0,6781 and the pair is still in a strong downtrend...
By Michael J. Grossman The fundamental things that impact all our lives long-term can’t be ignored, though often we'd like to...
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Francis Dogbe, 7 July 2015, 22:17
Reflection on the management of pension funds in the world Jakarta-Polemic limits retrieval Guarantee old age (JHT) raises the discourse about social security funds in particular pension funds in the country...
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[Deleted], 7 July 2015, 21:00
Denmark, Who Manages The Pension Fund World How to manage a pension fund system in each country are different from each other. However, Denmark is among the best in the world...
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[Deleted], 7 July 2015, 20:34
"Republics decline in democracy, and democracy turns into despotism." Aristotle...
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Alice F, 7 July 2015, 19:11 #Max Keiser, economy news
Financial contagion usually follows a surprise...
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Alice F, 7 July 2015, 16:37 #ECB
AUDUSD: Remains Weak And Vulnerable AUDUSD: With AUDUSD continuing to face downside pressure as it followed through lower during Tuesday session, risk remains to the downside on more weakness. On the downside, support lies at the 0.7400 level. A cut through here will turn attention to the 0...
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FXTechstrategy Team, 7 July 2015, 15:47
“Given as few as 30 percent winners, one can earn a fortune in the markets if only one knows how to handle winners and losers.” – Dirk Vandycke These premium signals offer about 70% accuracy so, a RRR of 1:2 should produce excellent results, with an average 7 wins from every 10 trades...
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1246536 Ernest G., 7 July 2015, 15:19