Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals - page 95

Hi, I really have a hard time subscribing to some signals. For example, the signals available from the MT4 terminal no way include all the signals I find on the webpage ( Moreover, if I click on the Free Sign up button on the website, all I get is a link to download an MT5 instance which I anyway already can I reliably sign up for a free signal? There is not even a search field in the terminal under Signals.

also , as i know copy serval signals ,  one signal is for one trading account , 

then , what about vps ? do i need serval vps for connect to serval difference signals? 

really thank you for your help


also , as i know copy serval signals ,  one signal is for one trading account , 

then , what about vps ? do i need serval vps for connect to serval difference signals? 

really thank you for your help

one signal subscription per one trading account (and one MQL5 VPS per one trading account).
Ekaterina Marmy:
Hi, I really have a hard time subscribing to some signals. For example, the signals available from the MT4 terminal no way include all the signals I find on the webpage ( Moreover, if I click on the Free Sign up button on the website, all I get is a link to download an MT5 instance which I anyway already can I reliably sign up for a free signal? There is not even a search field in the terminal under Signals.

There is a search field in the terminal for all subjects, signal too, type the signal you are looking for and you will find it in the results.

Maybe thing were easier if you've followed my instructions that are all over this forum:

How to Subscribe to MT4/MT5 Signal  (MT4)  (MT5)

except the vps of mqls , can i use vps services of other providers to a MT4 signal ? 
except the vps of mqls , can i use vps services of other providers to a MT4 signal ? 

We can use what we want for the signals. but MQL5 VPS is preferable (it is recommended):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Pros and cons of VPS at

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.11.04 13:15

And this is the information about ping - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Pros and cons of VPS at

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.11.04 13:59

Enter the name of your broker's trading server to get an estimate of network delays:
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Please do not refer to any specific signal in your enquiries.

Doing so could be considered promotion and get you banned.


hello , i am wonder is there any wong Calculation of Growth percentage of signal  , because i saw there is 117(till 29/12/2020) Growth, but i Calculation it by myself , except the deposite , it actually around just 53 %Growth.


Equity:643.09 USD

Profit:589.94 USD

Initial Deposit:1 100.19 USD

Withdrawals:1 047.00 USD

Deposits:1.69 USD

suppose, Growth only 53%(589/1100 *100 =53 ) 

so i wanna ask , dear Moderator , is it the system got wrong calculation ?



so i wanna ask , dear Moderator , is it the system got wrong calculation ?

Moderators of the frum are not moderating the signals.
But I found something related (because he asked similar question on Russian forum for the other his signals).

1. First of all - read the following:

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service: How is the Growth in Signals Calculated?

2. About the growth:

"The balance transactions/operations were automatically detected in the presence of the open positions, therefore the calculation proceeded according to the scheme of excluding balance transactions".

If you want to subscribe to the signal so you should always look at the following:
how often the signal provider made a deposit/withdrawal, and if he/she did it in the time of open positions on his trading account (because it very negative case which is affected on his subscribers; means: it is bad for subscribers).

By the way, the signal provider knows about it (and it may be related to his other signals as well) because he asked similar question on Russian forum about his rating to be decreased (and it was the proposal for him to communicate with the service desk because the service desk will explain this situation to him).

3. Some stats of the signals are calculated (re-calculated) once in a day (or several times in a day); I mean - some stats are not calculated in real time.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
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