ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 115


Great, now it is clear that nothing will happen before March 18th.

Although there is an assumption that March 18 is something of an optimistic scenario.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Good, now it is clear that nothing will happen before March 18.

Although there is a suggestion that March 18 is something of an optimistic scenario.

The Fed is meeting on March 16. All indications are that they need to raise interest rates. Otherwise the rise in inflation will only accelerate. Raising the rate will raise the cost of servicing the huge debt. They need to do something to bring the debt to zero or rob someone (candidate Europe) to postpone the bad consequences.
ФРС подтверждает ставку
ФРС подтверждает ставку
  • 2022.03.02
  • Татьяна Едовина
Федеральная резервная система (ФРС) США утвердилась в намерении повысить ключевую ставку уже через две недели, на мартовском заседании, сообщил вчера глава регулятора Джером Пауэлл. Он отметил, что военная операция на Украине и санкции против РФ могут иметь «крайне неопределенные последствия», поэтому далее ФРС будет действовать аккуратно...
Andrey Miguzov #:

You have an option in the screenshot.

futures here -

For each of the contracts if you go in - there is all the information in the table. Given the market situation - can change dramatically. Pay attention to the note with 2 **.

I see it now - it wasn't there before... (didn't see it :-) although it seems to have looked where it should be

Vitalii Ananev #:

The Fed meets on 16 March. All indications are that they need to raise interest rates. Otherwise the rise in inflation will only accelerate. Raising interest rates will raise the cost of servicing the huge debt. They need to do something to reset the debt or rob someone (candidate Europe) to postpone the bad consequences.

Ihmo: a Fed rate hike seems inevitable

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Ihmo: A Fed rate hike seems inevitable

With the current volatility and instability, a rate hike may have no impact at all and will be useless. It is not yet clear what the total restrictions have brought and there are no statistics yet - if I were them I would not touch the rate until it becomes clearer.

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

In view of thecurrent volatility and instability, a rate hike might not have any impact at all and would be useless. It is not yet clear what the total restrictions have brought and there are no statistics yet - if I were them, I would not touch the rate until it becomes clearer.

Insurance in the form of a rate increase is a necessity. But I agree, it is a complicated and ambiguous situation. I think they will raise the rate a little bit.

Business FM radio ,
Bidding next week will be closed including 18.03
another week off from the market.
Maxim Kuznetsov #:

In light of the current volatility and instability, a rate hike might not have any impact at all and would be useless. It is not yet clear what the total restrictions have brought, there are no statistics yet - I would not touch the rate until it becomes clearer.

Sp500 wonders where and when it will bottom out.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

The sp500 wonders where and when it will catch the bottom.
It's not hard to figure out - the Sp500 will bottom when the Fed completes its tightening cycle. When it does is an interesting question.

Comments from the Central Bank

Meanwhile, someone on the OTC market on 14 March sold Gazprom for 377 roubles.

Центробанк впервые за три недели прокомментировал приостановку торгов на фондовой бирже
Центробанк впервые за три недели прокомментировал приостановку торгов на фондовой бирже
  • 2022.03.14
  • Коммерсантъ
Центробанк России не открывает торги на Мосбирже в секции фондового рынка, чтобы решить вопросы, обеспечивающие стабильность финансовой системы России. Также в Центробанке считают, что открытие биржи в сегодняшней экономической ситуации приведет «к эмоциональным действиям инвесторов» и «к неоправданным потерям». Об этом заявили в пресс-службе...