FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 790

The market volume is like the belts in a threshing machine, they do not go anywhere, but the tiny grains that get there and what happens to them (((((( (no matter how many come from outside - the market self-organizes against the aliens)
at least exhale once in a while ))
If there are more buyers than sellers, the market goes down, remember!)))
I think the real account balance chart will show everything
Market volumes are like belts in a grain grinder, they don't go anywhere, but the crumbs (grains) that get there and what happens to them (((((( (no matter how many come from outside - the market self-organizes against the aliens)
Nah, not mushrooms and weed, it's something....
If there are more buyers than sellers, the market goes down, remember!)))
no one will ever count them but you will be shown a picture - ))))
at least exhale once in a while ))
Nah..., not mushrooms or weed, that's something...
it's economic expediency! (but you play play play - kids - you'll earn more come back)
it's economically viable! (And you play play play - kids - come back when you've earned some more)
On PAMM? ))))
On PAMM? ))))
pamm will operate under the laws of forex.
the PAMM will work according to the laws of forex.
I see nothing in common with your PAMM chart, alas, illiquid....
the pamm will work according to the laws of forex.
I see nothing in common with your PAMM chart, alas, illiquid....
it's too early to draw conclusions - only cats are fast... (well, trolls have everything on fire)