FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 713


Fuck, it's so hard to deal with you...You're drawing bullshit on the 4 or the minute, it's all the same to you.

What you draw, I can draw on any class in a jiffy... I'm trying to understand the beards, but I'm afraid I don't have the brain for it...

I may draw at any class but I have a better chance (as an exception, maybe you have a working theory judging by the flood no). The G and P are the internal pattern of the ascending channel, the HYP with a broken channel has a higher chance of working out - and when it starts the volumes will come. The question is that all this TA (theory) takes 10% in my TS - of course if I also watch the volumes the chance of triggering will improve by 1-2% - I'm just lazy (and still have work to do). And about personality levels! ))))))) I don't know (troll) - they were like that 5 years ago. (I call it a Möbius ribbon to walk on)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 653 - Категория: общее обсуждение
And I can do it on any pair, but my chance is higher (well, as an exception, maybe you have a working theory judging by the flood no). See G and P is an inside pattern of an uptrend channel, G&P with a broken channel has a higher chance of working out - and when that starts the volumes will come in. The question is that all this TA (theory) takes 10% in my TS - of course if I also watch the volumes the chance of triggering will improve by 1-2% - I'm just lazy (and still have work to do). And about personality levels! ))))))) I don't know (troll) - they were like that 5 years ago. (I call it the Mobius strip they walk on).
Where is it? Pound re-draw it again)))
usdcad 1.2440 target for today....
Where is it?
I told you, price moves (trades) a pool of orders (buy, sell) that is, price beats buyers and sellers (from pips to long term), how does it do that? - create a theory of price movement (there may be patterns may not be now they are all a relic of the past), on the theory of YOUR - there are signals in the past and present - and they work into the future with a chance of more than 50% probability, and then it's a matter of statistics, various refinements, improvements. (The main thing is not to play with orders - it will be a casino)
And I can do it on any pair, but my chance is higher (well, as an exception, maybe you have a working theory judging by the flood no). See G and P is an inside pattern of an uptrend channel, G&P with a broken channel has a higher chance of working out - and when it starts the volumes will come in. The question is that all this TA (theory) takes 10% in my TS - of course if I also watch the volumes the chance of triggering will improve by 1-2% - I'm just lazy (and still have work to do). And about personality levels! ))))))) I don't know (troll) - they were like that 5 years ago. (I call it the Mobius strip they walk on).
Volumes even intraday clearly showed sales from 5425-30. And how did you draw by your beautiful theory to 55? The heel of your left hind leg again? Yes Guru, totally sucks))))
Is it jammed or a false breakdown? ))))))
Where is it? Pound again redraw it)))
Version three? Clown)))))
Is it jammed or a false breakdown? ))))))
No one has made any money on the pound yet (you'll be the first), no pound manager has lasted a year. )))) (I could have made or not lost, but there are easier and clearer ways to do it)