FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 703

Let's not start an argument! The TF determines the peaks, and the scripts are based on them. (If you don't understand that either, what are you looking at?)
If you call spikes extremums (minimum and maximum price values per day, week, year), then I don't understand how they can change. Last week the High was 1,1442, and how could that figure "fluctuate"? It is not clear to me. Or are we talking about different things?
So how will you go in from them if you have 10 levels?)))
a long time ago i was looking at mmh well they went bankrupt. (I don't draw trends for a long time - I don't want anything)

The awesomeness of the idea is astounding... I'm proud =)

It remains to be seen when they are chasing debts.

If you mean extremums, (i.e. minimum and maximum price values for a day, a week, a year), then I don't see how they can change. The high was 1.1442 last week, and how could that figure "fluctuate"? It is not clear to me. Or are we talking about different things?
Well right on D1 there is one high and on H4 there are 3 on the right left and even more on H1.
I've been looking at mmh for a long time now, and they're bankrupt. (I don't draw trends for a long time - I don't want anything).
Finished it there.
well right on D1 there is one high and on H4 there are 3 on the right left, on H1 there are even more.
If you mean extremums, (i.e. minimum and maximum price values for a day, a week, a year), then I don't understand how they can change. The high was 1.1442 last week, and how could that figure "fluctuate"? It is not clear to me. Or are we talking about different things?
So don't argue, each tf has its own high)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Right and left....

So how will you go in from them if you have 10 levels?)

And the excuse "if everyone does" is as old as the world.

Go to MT5, they are almost universally subscribed to TST levels, they are calculated from option levels, well, good, they subscribed, the chart is beautiful, buy here - sell there)))) But it is of no fucking use if they do not know why they should sell there, where they may gain positions now and up to where, which resistance and support is stronger and which they may not pay attention to. That's all. As long as you do not understand it completely, you may draw and buy whatever you want.

I asked you, did you get it all figured out? You don't have any idea, do you? (How many 10 entries have 7? 8?), while Doctor (I think this is the nickname) is your partner in terms of volumes, he opened a room in alps and he spent a lot of time and tedious time pouring money.
So don't argue, each tf has its own high)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) right and left....
I don't give a shit, I'll pips on eu channel ))))
So don't argue, each tf has its own high))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Each his own Senior