FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1416


So what do you do in these situations?

Who do I report it to???


Really? Did you think long?))

Then it should be the same in all MTs.

It is an elementary "execution" of orders in the kitchen, without the withdrawal, taking out stops with the help of own kitchen software and dough in his pocket. And a lot of it.

But judging by this, the lumberjack could make good money if the stops were lower.


So what do you do in these situations?

Who do I report it to???


Ilya, the day with the CME, hai see?)


So what do you do in these situations?

Who do I report it to???

Take the money and get out of there and run. Do you have any idea how many people are left without a depot or a large part of it?
Anunnaham )))

rail on the chif at 4 o'clock down with a paddock...

Idler got a little ruble bump (and I warned the non-patriots beforehand), and you will get a bump on the chif ...

there will be a sideways movement and something else...

Choosing a DC is like choosing a wife, even more important)))

rail on the chif at 4 o'clock down with a paddock ...

Idler got a bit of a ruble bump (and I warned the non-patriots beforehand), and you will get a bump on the chif ...

there'll be a sideways move or something...

Terrible ))))) I'm going to buy a beer ))))
Choosing a DC is like choosing a wife, even more important ))))


Take the dough and get out of there and run. Can you imagine how many people are left without a deposit or without a significant part of it?
I wonder if there is a brokerage house where this never happened?