FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 704

I was asking you, have you figured it out? (The Doctor (I think that's the nickname) is your volume partner, he opened a room in alps - and he was casting for a very long and tedious time.
I've forgotten what a moose is, I don't give a fuck about stops) Doctor looked too narrowly on the volumes, he interpreted them correctly, but he suffered from each movement. And the main thing is to see the big picture and not to run around in the field))))

The awesomeness of the idea is astounding... I'm proud =)

It remains to be seen when they run up the debt.

open a pamm! let's see ))))
open up a pam! let's see ))))
look into signals=)
The doctor looked too narrowly at the volumes, he interpreted them correctly, but was frantic with every movement. And the main thing is to see the big picture and not to run around the field))))
And you, open a PAM!
Open up a pawnshop! Let's see ))))
Shaman, why do you even need that pamm? Or am I missing something?
and you open a pamm!
What's in it for me?
Well right on D1 there is one high and on H4 there are 3 on the right left, even more on H1.

Shaman, today's hai.

I don't see a difference, point the finger, where do you see it?

look in the signals =)
opened the balance ((( did you take it off again? (but yes, there is a gain - only a specialist can see it)

Shaman, today's hai.

I don't see a difference, point the finger, where do you see it?

Let's stop with the spades, let's go trolling Strange and campaigning for Pamm!?
What's in it for me? read the service. (I even know who's on what there....)