FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 411

Prolonged idleness is bad, you're not trying to get a job?

that's my job =) at 5 years old, I don't work anywhere else =) except my dacha =) the lawn needs a lot of care. Mowing, replanting, watering.... It takes a lot of time. Plus a kebab to marinate, a banya to melt =)

Nah, I can't take that kind of workload if I take something else on top=)

Shaman, how many swaps did you get this night?
triple the swap from Wednesday to Thursday always. i'm not Shaman =)
tripled the swap tonight.
slept in last night - hopefully the same today ))).
they're tripling the swap tonight. from wednesday to thursday it's always triple.

Fuck it, it's the first time, with 0.3 lots almost $80.

I'm closing all my trades as is and I'm taking it all out tomorrow.

Fuck that, that's the first time it's ever happened, 0.3 a lot almost $80.
That's a lot. I got $21 off 1 lot of pound.
and that's a lot of money I got from 1 lot on the pound, $21.
Cool, you can make money on returns!
It's cool, you can make money on refunds!

what's the story? =) how is it? =) never used it.

I've always made money honestly =)

and that's a lot on my one pound lot of $21.
That's what I'm saying.

what's the story? =) how is it? =) never used it.

always made an honest living =)

You register under a referral, he gets paid a part of your swap, usually 80% of it, and he gives it back to you. From his 100% you get 60 to 100%. I have a swap-free account and I still get $2-3 a day when I trade.
You register under a referral broker, he gets paid a part of your swap, usually in the amount of 80%, and he returns it to you, from his received 100% he gives you from 60 to 100%. And the broker, returns not only on positive but also on negative swaps. My account has no swaps and I get $2-3 dollars every day when I'm trading.