FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 479

If they did, you and Myth won't sit back on .47, they'll dump you like cats on .34. You're gonna be moping.
Here we go again =) Maybe you should go back to the macraca?
A branch of complete opposites. )))
I've told you a hundred times that the audi and the kiwi are cadavers.
crap day, all you do is scratch your tongue...
The positions were corparative and I couldn't claim anything. I rushed to mt4, but there was no search there.
Roma, the positions were corparative, there was nothing to present. i rushed to mt4, but there was no search for anything. and i wrote back right away that i was fucked, so let's salt. those who want to, they will find it.
Here we go again =) Maybe we should send you back to macro again???

I'm not catching it. I'm just trying to make a point.)

Here we go, so what? All agree? And who's going to die?

crappy day, nothing but tongue scratching...
So right, if you salt the pound, which has made its figure, what a crap day))))))))

I'm not catching it. I'm just trying to make a point.)

Here we go, so what? All in agreement? Who's gonna die?

You want a name? )))))))))))))

I do not see it, but I have a feeling that he has already pressed the "Sell" button on the euro and he will be punished for it.)


This is bullshit.

Yesterday there was a threat to salt the moon, and when the time comes - no one, then - oops ...

i got to mt4, there's no search there. i told them right away that it's fucked up, let's do the salting. who wants to do it, they'll find it.

Everything was strictly according to the rules of the stock market. I consider this referendum a classic. Everything was so perfectly played and earned that it was a real bummer.

And in the referendum, no one was salting. The active selling zone is the upper rectangles.

You want a name? )))))))))))))
With this attitude to the market - what are we catching? No prerequisites - are you taking it out of thin air?