Interesting and Humour - page 668




Of course there was no hurricane.

Yes, there was a terrible hurricane. The pindos can't recover from it now:

"If the power doesn't come back on today - within three or four hours - I'll have to throw all the food in the rubbish," says the restaurant employee. - We haven't counted the damage yet, but it's clear that it's huge.

See "Sandy" help the economy

Here's more interesting news for those in the matrix:

"A total of 36,000 people have died in 19 months of conflict, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory." see -warplanes-target-damascus-districts/

For some reason the data from that same observatory does not match the data from the Mukhosran Conservatory?


"Altogether, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory, 36,000 people have died in the 19 months of conflict in the country." see -warplanes-target-damascus-districts/

I'm not sure what you want or suggest.

You suggest that you and I should go to Damascus and help who? There are no rightists there, but thousands of dead civilians.

What's the plan, Yuri?


What's the plan, Jura?

It's a good one, it's a real kick-ass one.
It's a good one, it's a real kicker.
Will you come with us to Damascus? Yura seems to know what to do.

"If they don't turn on the power today - within three to four hours - I'll have to throw all the food in the rubbish," says a restaurant employee. - We haven't counted the damage yet, but it's clear that it's huge.

Don't worry, it will get better, it says so in the article:

Ironically, the removal of destruction, repair and reconstruction work will stimulate growth and create jobs for a short period of time - such are the laws of economics.

So the restaurant employee wants to throw out the spoiled products, and the "new jobs man" is waiting for the products with the nice packaging, and the "new jobs man" is getting ready to export it all to a country that imports a lot - see how America can make money even out of the elements? ))))


Luke, the drawing on the left boob, the butterfly on the man.

what else?