Interesting and Humour - page 602

One day, the head of our building department had the idea of killing a mole on the garden plot.
At first he poured some carbide into the hole, but it went out to no avail. But the man was smart, so he went to a hunting shop and bought some gunpowder.
He put a bottle with propane-butane in the hole, unscrewed the valve, dug a groove for the gunpowder, poured a track, took out the bottle, ignited the gunpowder, ran away, lay down.
After the explosion, he looks up - no toilet at the end of the plot, thinks, to hell with it, but he killed the bastard, turns around - one wall of the verandah is gone, one peeled away entirely from the cottage, the cellar under it with all the stock is ripped apart.

He was perplexed by the vodka: "I understand what the mole was doing in the cellar, but why was he going to the toilet?

Let's look at the trend

217 hours left allowed 395

207 415

197 411

187 415

157 466


Apple's new maps are scary

Vilnius , airport


Iosif Kobzon. Now in 3D


Apple's new maps are scary

Vilnius , airport

That's right. The runway is a runway for take-off and landing. Spikes are ramps for take-off, hollows are dead-ends for landing... )))

Apple's new maps are scary

Vilnius , airport

The maker was just a trader and there are some peaks and troughs here :)

Let's look at the trend.

217 hours to go 395

207 415

197 411

187 415

157 466

That's more obvious. ))


Files:  9 kb

That's more visual. ))


Wrong )) score it with an average of 177 and 167, it's similar.
