Interesting and Humour - page 563


Eh-eh-eh, did you read what you copied yourself?

It's censored....


Eh-eh-eh, did you read what you copied yourself?

It's censored....

oops, corrected.

In Russia, a high-profile bill "On Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Development" came into forceon 1 September, obliging rights holders of information products to label content according to age criteria.

This law is aimed at protecting children from destructive, traumatic information, an overabundance of cruelty and violence in publicly available sources of mass information, data which can develop vicious tendencies in children and form a distorted picture of the world and wrong attitudes in life.

4. Blow job for a hundred years.
Blow job (or really Blow job)
Blow job (or really blow job).

Actually, I think it's mignet, mignoula...

I haven't heard of blowjob.


Actually, I think it's mignet, mignoula...

I haven't heard of minuet.Минёт_

Turns out both are correct.

I was wrong.


Tomorrow we'll have to buy some gold.


Chechen scientists: Rurik was a Chechen

GROZNY, August 20. Chechen scientists have managed to prove the Chechen theory of the emergence of ancient states - Sumer, Hurrite, Urartu, as well as Troy, Sparta and Rome, not to mention less significant state formations. The Chechenskoe Obshchestvo newspaper reports this. The same theory applies to Old Russian history.

"According to the Russian chronicle, the Novgorodians "called" the princes of the Varangian tribe, Rus, for reigning. Further it is narrated that only Slavs call them Rus' or Vikings, they are also called Normans (Northmen), Goths, Angles (Saxons). Hence, Normans, Goths, Angles (Saxons) and Russ are, despite of different geographical position, one people, with different names. It also turns out that it is not a simple tribe, but a Viking tribe, which in a simple language means a pure-blooded, tribal people, whose blood was considered superior to that of all others, i.e. the people who produce only leaders by blood, from rural to continental and world level ", - writes the author of article G.Murtazaliev.

Since the tribe of Rus was also identified with Alans, and the latter with Chechens, then, according to the author, "Ruses were not just anyone, but Chechens. It turns out that Rurik and his cohorts, if they really were from the Varangian tribe Rus', were purebred Chechens, and from the royal family, who spoke their native Chechen language. In addition, according to the Russian chronicle, it turns out that the Normans, the Vikings, the Goths and the Saxons are Chechens by blood, but they have undergone Germanic linguistic assimilation.

Murtazaliyev concludes by stressing: "I would like Chechen scientists not to stop there, but to develop in this direction."
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