Interesting and Humour - page 570


from the comments, "only the... walking foot was nice") "


Careful, that's a bit of a misnomer.

And don't cross outside the pedestrian crossing zone in the age of nanotechnology


The news that Putin led a flock of migrating cranes made me cringe myself. It's a pity that our president's crane costume was incomplete - it lacked a crane mask with a beak and a crane mantle...

(I can't write any more - I'm laughing)

Training for software sales managers (the managers are mostly girls), trainer:
- Girls don't ask the customer what they have, you ask "What software do you have installed"!
One drunk to another:
- I always put a note in my pocket with the address so that if I'm intoxicated I can be taken home.
- And what do you write there?
- Paris, Boulevard Montmartre.
- But you live in Chelyabinsk!
- I live in Chelyabinsk. But they took me to Paris a couple of times!
A sign in the toilet above the urinal: "Comrades, in case of a bombing, hide under this urinal. No one has ever hit it yet!"