Interesting and Humour - page 2375


There should have been an explanation letter a little later. ))

This is nonsense, not an explanation. This "explanation" does not stand up to criticism.

First sentence,

While I'm here on a business trip, my team commits sabotage ))))

though wrapped up in a joke, makes all the difference.

The questions immediately arise:

What kind of sabotage team is this?

Where did these saboteurs come from?

And most importantly, what kind of a leader would allow saboteurs into his team?

But it is unlikely that the leader, if he is really a leader, does not know what his team is doing.

And if he really does not know, what kind of a leader is he?

It is therefore only natural to conclude that this is an attempt to turn the tables.

On the "saboteurs" !!! ;)))



So it's only natural to conclude that this is an attempt to turn the tables.

On "saboteurs" !!! ;)))

Try asking all these questions to the CEO. He always answers in great detail. )

The Wireless Glove Mouse.


The clearest photo of a sunspot ever taken.

Photo: NASA.


A policeman from Rio


What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.

© Mother Teresa


Hotel room pool in Bali, Indonesia

wife - vodka, juice, roast meat?
husband - what's the vodka for?
She says she's completely out of her mind. I ask her if she wants to fry a piece of meat.


Good night.