Interesting and Humour - page 465

That is why there are not many people. The rest of us are in suspended animation.
The particularly emotional (more emotion means more energy generated) are hooked up to simulated forex work, roulette games, horse racing, group sex, spin fishing and fly fishing. Probably a long time ago, how will you know the truth now....
The particularly emotional (more emotion means more energy generated) are hooked up to simulated forex work, roulette games, horse racing, group sex, spin fishing and fly fishing. Probably a long time ago, how do you find out the truth now....
how did group sex get on this list, it would seem? o_o
how did group sex get on that list? o_o
And I was wondering if I should cross bouncing off the list. :D

some drifting realities


There is too much body movement.

To be happy, a man needs and is happy enough that everything good can only appear to him. And that he does not even suspect that the world is not what he imagines it to be.

Perhaps the world already is and we do not even suspect it. )))

some drifting realities

I can't)))) The men almost put out the powder, the wonder appears with water and the meaningful sign "MSCH" on his back... A professional firefighter! What have we come to?
I can't)))) The men have almost put out the powder, the wonder appears with water and the meaningful sign "MSCH" on his back... Professional firefighter! What have we come to?
They are strange - high-octane fuel with plenty of additives. It won't do much good with powder, unless you use a big one on wheels =)
They either use carbon dioxide (displacement of oxygen + extreme cooling) or completely fill it with foam.

Воду нельзя применять для тушения веществ, бурно реагирующих с ней с выделением тепла, горючих, а также токсичных и коррозионно-активных газов. К таким веществам относятся многие металлы, металлоорганические соединения, карбиды и гидриды металлов, раскаленные уголь и железо. Кроме того, нельзя применять воду для тушения нефти и нефтепродуктов, поскольку может произойти выброс или разбрызгивание горящих продуктов. Нельзя также использовать компактные струи воды для тушения пылей во избежание образования взрывоопасной среды.[3]Пожаротушение

Thought everyone knew that, especially firefighters. The first thing our teacher told us in fire safety.
Plz do the same with the matzecklists. I'm sick of them outside my window at night. At least it gives me some moral satisfaction.