Interesting and Humour - page 458


Don't believe the news, or rather there are no reliable sources right now - everyone is reprinting each other's stories:

Volgograd region: Sunflower and corn harvest is coming to an end, news from 21.06.2012 20:02 am, while in our region the sunflower harvest will not begin until September, just saw the fields today, there is nothing to harvest there, sunflower caps have not opened yet


Don't believe the news, or rather there are no reliable sources right now - everyone is reprinting each other's stories:

Volgograd region: sunflower and corn harvest is coming to an end, news from 21.06.2012 20:02 , and in our region the sunflower harvest will not begin until September, just today I saw the fields, there is nothing to harvest, sunflower caps have not opened yet

Could you be more specific about "our region" - it would be easier to understand... because it's not clear whether it's Texas or Anadyr....

Or are you from the Vologda region...


Could you be more specific about "our region" - it would be easier to understand... because it's not clear whether it's Texas or Anadyr....

Or are you from the Vologda region...

Volgograd and Vologda are not the same thing.
Volgograd and Vologda are not the same thing.

I am of course sometimes stupid, but whatIgorM is from in what area I can only guess.

In our region, for example, the sunflowers have only just been sown..... :-) And my relatives in the region had it washed away.


I'm sure I get stupid sometimes,

There's not much.

The phrase implies that Igor is from Volgograd region. Otherwise, the phrase becomes nonsense.

Recipe for bald people: Smear honey on your head, wait three days, then clap your hands vigorously - the flies will fly away, but the feet will stay.