Interesting and Humour - page 4525


Google Corporation has announced the creation of the world's first quantum computer capable of performing calculations that are impossible for the most powerful modern supercomputers, the Financial Times reported.

It is noted that the report, prepared by researchers from Google, was published for a short time on the site of NASA, then was removed for unknown reasons. The report, according to the newspaper, reported that the quantum processor is able to perform the most complex calculation for three minutes and 20 seconds, while the most powerful supercomputer at the moment, "Summit" would take about ten thousand years to conduct it.

At the moment,according to researchers from Google, the processor is able to carry out only a single calculation, but it can be considered the beginning of the "quantum superiority", when quantum processors will be able to cope with the calculations, which previously was considered impossible.

However, the report noted, it will take years before quantum computers become part of everyday life.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

This is a far-fetched situation with a manipulative conclusion.

Any product or service (a restaurant, strawberries) has a number of consumer properties -- which include "lavishing money" and "haggling".

For example, we all know that restaurants charge high prices and leave tips, strawberries are perishable and at the bazaar you can bargain with the 'babki'.

If manipulative phrases like"I need this money to live" and " when we buy from the needy" had not been added to the story, the story would have been quite ordinary.

Why is a "granny" selling strawberries in need? If they are reasonably priced, there is usually a queue for quality strawberries and there is no need to haggle. The restaurant tip is usually 10%, as in the story.

You're living in some fantasy world. Unfortunately, the conclusions are correct.

I once saw an advertisement in a public transport vehicle asking to lay sleepers for 18Tr )), would a lady leave a tip for a worker for a comfortable ride?

Don't talk about "who learned what". Class society + human herd. It is better to flash a new iPhone in front of "respectable" people than to give an extra penny to a commoner. I am disgusted by the human sheep that change a dozen iPhones to be trendy, fashionable.


You are living in some fantasy world. Unfortunately, the conclusions are correct.

I once saw an advertisement in a public transport vehicle for laying sleepers for 18Tr )), would a young lady tip a worker for a comfortable ride?

Just don't talk about "who learned what". Class society + human herd. Better to flash a new iPhone in front of "respectable" people than give an extra penny to a commoner. I am disgusted by the human sheep that change a dozen iPhones to be trendy, fashionable.


And they want a better and better life))) Nature doesn't give a good deal for that. It will end in disaster and the broads will survive. Because they know how to grow.

Uladzimir Izerski:


And they want to live better and better.) Nature doesn't give a good deal for that. It will all end in disaster and the doughboys will survive. Because they know how to grow.

Yeah, but as history shows, it's exactly the opposite: over the agrarians the artisans have always prevailed in income, then over the artisans came industry, then over the industrialists came knowledge-intensive technology - and alas these are now the most capitalized industries. Your arguments are just a failure to understand that "to turn the starter motor and press the pedal in the car" - was invented much needed technology ...

Well, "your grandmother"... Take away from her what has given her the benefit of civilization - electricity, gardening tools, household appliances... and, after all, washing powder and matches! - So, all day long the grandmother will kindle the fireplace, catch lice out of dirty rags, and swing an axe to heat the cooker, while growing strawberries will turn into a wild berry search, because she will have no time for anything else )))).

Igor Makanu:

Yeah, but as history shows, the opposite is true: over the agrarians, craftsmen have always prevailed in income, then over the craftsmen came industry, then over the industrialists came knowledge-intensive technologies - and alas these are now the most capitalized industries. Your arguments are just a failure to understand that "to turn the starter motor and press the pedal in the car" - was invented much needed technology ...

Well, "your grandmother"... Take away from her what has given her the benefit of civilization - electricity, gardening tools, household appliances... and, after all, washing powder and matches! - So, all day long grandmother will kindle the fire-light, catch lice out of dirty rags, and swing an axe to heat the cooker, while strawberry growing will turn into a wild berry search, for she will have no time for anything else )))).

I do not want to argue with you. Progress is good. It's just that in case of a cataclysm the figurative old ladies will survive, not the ladies of the world.

Read how the "bourgeois" lived in the 18-25 years of the last century

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

you live in a fantasy world, a looking-glass world -- read your assessment: "human herd", "human sheep" -- you don't even notice that normal people don't use the categories "sheep" and "flock" -- they are there on purpose -- and you have picked them up and now you think you are an understanding analyst.

The way you reason is a reflection of the way you live -- "being defines consciousness".

Yes. Indeed... I didn't bother to comment on that friend any more... :-)

There's a question for the starter of this unique post - Sartakov:

Denis, what's the point of this post-stub?

Who are you laughing at? At the babushka, or the lady? What did you want to tell them?

That you've found another banana? Like the ladies are dumb? # Who's to laugh at? # Who are you laughing at?

Uladzimir Izerski:

It's just that in the event of a cataclysm, the figurative old ladies will survive, not the ladies.

They won't! The ones who survive will be the fastest to free up their time for "building fires and looking for lice ..."

And the young ladies... Where did the money come from? - if she wasn't the talented one, it means that her relatives were not among the gray masses.... it's true for civilized countries, in former republics it is medieval chaos, maybe even primitive - who climbed the mountain first and kicked himself in the chest - then the leader, who was able to avoid going to jail - then a talented and respected man ))))

Roman Shiredchenko:

Like ladies are dumb?

There are as many smart ones as there are successful traders.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

you live in a fantasy world, a looking-glass world -- read your assessment: "human herd", "human sheep" -- you don't even notice that normal people don't use the categories "sheep" and "flock" -- they are there on purpose -- and you have picked them up and now you think you are an understanding analyst.

The way you reason is a reflection of the way you live -- "being defines consciousness".

That's the way I live and you should go out more often.) I can't call a sheep a man.

Went to visit a relative with a friend of hers who showed me some freshly made repairs and what do you think? The relative immediately started renovating her own, and surely not cheaper )).

Dying waiting for medical help while gasprom is sponsoring football clubs in Germany. I'm about to help one person financially for treatment, relying on the compulsory health insurance and gasprom is not an option.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I don't want to argue with you. Progress is good. It's just that in the event of a cataclysm, it's the figurative old ladies who will survive, not the ladies of the bourgeoisie.

Read how the "bourgeois" lived in the 18-25 years of the last century.

That's not a fact. They will be looted. Those grandmothers who closed their doors in time and correctly will survive.)