Interesting and Humour - page 2259

Malysheva is on fire...

And the satellite maps are borrowed from OpenStreetMap:

I keep getting excited about satellite and the content it finds. Here's one of the news.
В Шотландии задержали серийных похитителей садовых гномиков
В Шотландии задержали серийных похитителей садовых гномиков
Полиция шотландского города Банф задержала двоих молодых людей, которые подозреваются в серии краж садовых гномов и других фигурок, сообщает The Scotsman. Известно, что обоим юношам по 18 лет, их имена не разглашаются. Правоохранительные органы поймали предполагаемых похитителей гномов, когда досматривали их машину. При обыске у молодых людей...

-Citizen, it has been established that you are a blogger and under current laws you are required to register your blog as a media outlet in due course!

- Fuck your laws!

- Then you are registered as a sexual service provider and are required to obtain the necessary permits as required!

- Fuck you!

- There's been an attempt to organise a walking tour, you must register as a tour operator in due course!

-You're out of your fucking mind!

- There was an attempt to make a psychiatric diagnosis, you are required to qualify, certify and obtain a license for medical services in the prescribed manner!

- Erm... Ahh... I'd better go.

- You are registered as a road user and are required to have reflective gear, a registration number and a valid license!

- That's it! Hold it! Silence!

- You are registered as a landmark....

p.s. Got it here:


-Citizen, it has been established that you are a blogger and under current laws you are required to register your blog as a media outlet in due course!

- Fuck your laws!

- Then you are registered as a sexual service provider and are required to obtain the necessary permits as required!

- Fuck you!

- There's been an attempt to organise a walking tour, you must register as a tour operator in due course!

-You're out of your fucking mind!

- There was an attempt to make a psychiatric diagnosis, you are required to qualify, certify and obtain a license for medical services in the prescribed manner!

- Erm... Ahh... I'd better go.

- You are registered as a road user and are required to have reflective gear, a registration number and a valid license!

- That's it! Hold it! Silence!

- You are registered as a landmark....

p.s. Got it here:


President of Russia @KermlinRussia
23 ч

Due to the new geopolitical orientation of our country, the white stripe on the Russian flag will be replaced by a yellow one.