Interesting and Humour - page 4519

Aleksei Stepanenko:
A programmer's New Year differs from ordinary days in that next to the coffee mug there are tangerines.

no longer relevant - tangerines have long been available all year round.

Better to rephrase!

"A Soviet computer programmer's New Year's Eve (198X model) differs from ordinary days in that next to a mug of coffee (coffee, mind you, was not always available for everyone in those years) there are tangerines.

(By the way, tangerines were not easy to buy either - I remember more than one New Year without tangerines)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Even when trying to call a service, for example a bank, you are greeted by a voice robot, which tries to guide you through the phrases of its still very poor menu,

But if you need a human operator, this primitive is easy to baffle with a non-standard phrase.

And in general I agree, the AI will make a big mistake when mankind trusts it with anything serious.

So far, the only intelligent and accurate response from the voice assistant is the answer "I do not understand you. The voice itself is cheesy, Sber and Post could have found a nicer voice for the talker. But what a joy it is when a person finally answers.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

...there are tangerines lying around.


Two(!) tangerines.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Two(!) tangerines.

yes - correction accepted - there were no tangerines in those years - I first saw a banana in the 90s

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So far, the only clever and accurate response from the voice assistant has been "I don't understand you". And the speaker itself is cheesy; Sber and the Post could have found a nicer voice for the speaker. But what a joy it is when a person finally answers.

I was on a business trip in Moscow at the end of the 90s - the sunset of the Yeltsin era, at the coolest hotel in Moscow. The parquet was furnished with the following furniture: - Stalin Empire style, high ceilings, perfect wooden doors, massive armchair, coffee table, lamp on a wooden leg, solid wood wardrobe - fairly plain and decent bed on solid wood legs - all solid wood furniture not new, but very presentable. The parquet is from the era of war communism, but is well and evenly laid, and the centre of the room has a very soft, new and clean carpet, no bath, the shower is sticking out of the wall, and the tiles are neat. The windows are covered with heavy duty curtains and have a view over the Duma, which makes them look like a sharpshooter. But all clean and cozy, no unpleasant odors, nothing extraneous and very ascetic. That's a description of the surroundings.

I took a shower, came out, sat down in an armchair and then, suddenly, the phone rings, I pick it up and a woman's gentle, enveloping voice offers intimacy on the other end of the line. And the voice is put in such a way that one voice can already cause lustful desires. The voice offered a choice of girls of all ages, nationalities and even social statuses, and of course, with all the professional subtleties. Of course, my data was clearly transferred from the reception directly to the massive brothel, where he called the lady with a beautiful voice. Such asexy voice, I've never heard in my life!

I think you have to create robots for all sorts of services with such voices and the lines will not stand idle for sure!


Great is Russia, and there is nothing to steal.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Even when trying to call a service, for example a bank, you are greeted by a voice robot, which tries to guide you through the phrases of its still very poor menu,

But if you need a human operator, this primitive is easy to baffle with a non-standard phrase.

And in general I agree, AI is still steeply misfiring when mankind trusts it with something or the least bit serious.

Yes, I remember, I had to change the PIN-code at Megafon-Bank. They used to have a regular voice menu, like "press 1", "press 2", and at most you could call an operator. But now they've introduced a bot with some kind of female name, an imitation of Alice in other ways.

It's quiet awful, it doesn't recognize speech well, and it doesn't understand the simplest questions. And I'm not one of those who mumble and speak confusingly, spoke in short clear phrases "I need to change the pin code on the card Megafon-Bank. And this fool reads out my balance, it wasn't funny at all.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Even when trying to call a service, for example a bank, you are greeted by a voice robot, which tries to guide you through the phrases of its still very poor menu,

But if you need a human operator, this primitive is easy to baffle with a non-standard phrase.

And in general I agree, the AI will make a big mistake when mankind trusts it with anything serious.

Yesterday I chatted with them at Tinkoff, they are still alive. The girl has explained to me the details of the loan, give her the kudos.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I feel for you. You've started a thread and some AI is making an unfair judgement without understanding.

The AI will do more damage. It's just the prickly sprouts of a poisonous plant.

Yeah, the saddest thing is that this Zen guy won't tell you where he found the joints, you can guess.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yesterday I chatted on the Tinkoff website, they are still alive there. The girl explained everything to me so clearly about the credit, so I gave her a kudos.

There are some sane services left, but they will die out with the introduction of voice-activated robots. For businesses it saves on call centres and they think it is cool to have a robot system that recognises the client's wishes, answers questions and makes calls.

For example:



Sell, notify, interview your customers by phone without managers and call centre!
Save your time, money and nerves.