Interesting and Humour - page 4373

Sergey Golubev:

A common Chinese song ... a young chinese singer... but the feeling is that it's a person who can't walk - but no, he can!
And can !(does not apply to me, just figured it out from his video - it is not in the song as I do not understand it a bit there ...) -

If it's about the Chinese, this woman here can sing ;)

Igor Makanu:

If it's about the Chinese, this woman can sing ;)

It's not Chinese ... copying americos...
And I don't think she's Chinese.

Sergey Golubev:

It's not Chinese ... copying americos ...
And I don't think she's Chinese.

I didn't say she sings in Chinese, she covers Shakira - Waka Waka.

she's chinese, you can find her channel, there's a video of her walking around the city.

her voice is good, which is rare nowadays - all the processing, here is a live voice


and it's not a Chinaman, it's a rabbit.

and it's not a Chinaman, it's a rabbit.


remembered another talented man, this one is cool:


Didn't ban anyone ...



Anyway, I already told you about it ... there were two brothers (and their mum), and they did it behind the fridge (they had room there) ...
They were called "the cool Chinese" even though they were Filipinos ....
Now they are very famous people (and in Hollywood - really, no joke), and this is it -

I don't dare post in the English section - I've been banned before (the truth) -

and you haven't been banned?

Well, you're nobody...


Well if this thread is about China, it's on point, a very logical ending to the video.

[broken link - moderator]


Great business :) , there is baba nina but no one has seen her.

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Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great business :) , there's Baba Nina but no one's seen her.


No, I'd rather have the Chinese...
