Interesting and Humour - page 4371


Buy a bunch of scrap metal and drive it around the world .... after all Uralvagonzavod used to produce them by the thousands, the design documentation is in place.

Is there a kickback?

They brought in a new batch of T-34s, so as not to go back empty-handed, they took a load of T-34s.

Buy a bunch of scrap metal and drive it around the world .... after all Uralvagonzavod used to produce them by the thousands, the design documentation is in place.

Is there a kickback?

This is politics. Unsubstantiated speculation and shitting on our country. Uralvagonzavod produced thousands of them, and they died in the defence of our country in the same thousands. Only a few are left. Or do you propose to make new ones to make films? After all, the documentation has been preserved...



Alexey Viktorov:

But this is politics. Unsubstantiated speculation and shitting on our country. Uralvagonzavod produced them by the thousands, they died defending our country by the same thousands. Only a few are left. Or do you propose to make new ones to make films? After all, the documentation has been preserved...

Let's leave out the bullshit/conjecture, just the calculator and common sense. The cost of vaz 2105 was $600-800 with a selling price of $5000, with a tank there is even more difference.

Delivery cost of 40" container ~$5000, one T-34 tank is two such containers - ~$10000 for delivery of one tank, 30 tanks, total of $300000 for delivery. The tanks were in operation, so the resource was maintained/extended - think of the price, offer price for calculation 200000$ for 1-n battle T-34 (according to announcement demil T-34 tank in RF 12,5mn RUB) - total comes out for tanks 30*200000=60000$ with delivery 6.3mn.$.

In the event of production of the tank in Russia, all the $ 6.3mn, wages, taxes, employment of workers, training of new workers, etc will remain in Russia, in the other version all the dough will settle down somewhere else.

The cost of 1 tank: ($500 per ton of steel * tank weight 30 ton)*2 = $30,000, for 30 tanks: $0.9mn - still not bad for maintenance of the UVZ, as I remember it was going to be bankrupted, and here the cash is going to miss the cash-desk - is not it strange? - This is economics.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Do you have any idea what manufacturing is?

Apparently -- it's a dark forest for you.

You will produce 30 tanks as a piece production and then be horrified by the final unit cost.

Or are you going to talk about kickbacks and stealing?

small-scale, according to the available CD. I looked it up, UVZ produced 30,000 T-34 tanks during the war, I see no problem in producing 30 tanks with electricity, heating and a computer with tea at hand in modern conditions.


IBM has unveiled its first commercial quantum computer at CES 2019, which runs from 8 to 11 January in Las Vegas. The IBM Q System One 20-cubic-inch system combines quantum and classical computing components. The system, of course, is still huge, but it has gone "outside the labs" for the first time. The company says it represents a big step towards putting quantum computing on the commercial map. Interestingly, the appearance of the system was designed by renowned designers. According to the manufacturer, it is a true work of art. The IBM Q is an airtight cube with a side of around three metres. It looks like a scenery from a sci-fi movie.

The release date and price of the unit have not yet been announced by IBM.


Let's leave out the bullshit/conjecture, just the calculator and common sense. The cost of vaz 2105 was $600-800 with a selling price of $5000, with a tank there is even more difference.

Delivery cost of 40" container ~$5000, one T-34 tank is two such containers - ~$10000 for delivery of one tank, 30 tanks, total of $300000 for delivery. The tanks were in operation, so the resource was maintained/extended - think of the price, offer price for calculation 200000$ for 1-n battle T-34 (according to announcement demil T-34 tank in RF 12,5mn RUB) - total comes out for tanks 30*200000=60000$ with delivery 6.3mn.$.

In the event of production of the tank in Russia, all the $ 6.3mn, wages, taxes, employment of workers, training of new workers, etc will remain in Russia, in the other version all the dough will settle down somewhere else.

The cost of 1 tank: ($500 per ton of steel * tank weight 30 ton)*2 = $30,000, for 30 tanks: $0.9mn - still not bad for maintenance of the UVZ, as I remember it was going to be bankrupted, and here the cash is going to miss the cash-desk - is not it strange? - it is the economy.

What kind of common sense is that? The tanks were returned for free, probably not delivered by merchant ships. So it doesn't count either. And the country's prestige is invaluable. So your calculator's lying. And you're no better an economist than Ulyukayev.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Good afternoon!

Is that you?


Is it really you?


Was it you before too?

I used to be too.

Thank you very much!

Its structure reminds me of an old Soviet anecdote.

A Jew came to change his surname and said: "Change my surname to Ivanov", and they said: "Why do you need it, you already changed your last name to Petrov last month."

And he says: "They'll ask me what your last name is." And I'll say Ivanov. And they ask me, "What was your last name before?" I'll say, "Petrov".

Aleksey Ivanov:

20kbit? That's ridiculous. And there's a commercial version with 512kbit.


Ban for a week for provoking a discussion of politics and throw-ins.

Hopefully within a week you can find the right resource to discuss kickbacks, thieves and the backwardness of the country you want.

Once you've purged and blown off steam, welcome back clean, kind and refreshed.