Interesting and Humour - page 4253


oddly, one thing came to mind after that poem:

- Hello mother, it's me!

Alexey Volchanskiy:



Cool, they say in the comments that the clip is old and I haven't heard it. Thanks.


Is there a problem? Logging in to my personal account at via my public service account

When I try to log in I get: The authorisation code has expired
Федеральная налоговая служба
Федеральная налоговая служба
Федеральная налоговая служба
Новая микроархитектура процессоров Intel: быстро, но не бесплатно
Новая микроархитектура процессоров Intel: быстро, но не бесплатно
  • 2001.04.18
Выявление аппаратных уязвимостей Spectre и Meltdown в процессорах Intel поставило перед архитекторами компании сложнейшую задачу – внести в микроархитектуру CPU изменения, обеспечивающие полную безопасность исполнения при сохранении и даже повышении производительности процессоров. Сейчас, полгода спустя, настало время поделиться результатами...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Is everyone having problems? logging in to their personal account at via a public service account

When I try to log in I get: The authorisation code has expired

I'm logged in fine now.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Some time ago (about a year must have passed) I got into some kind of promotion where they were offering any kind of money for their own or proposed investment ideas. There were about a dozen of them in the room, and more than a hundred less than 50. If such people as on the photo still had some idea of 'investment' projects, then among those under 50 - not a single one: the mindset is of beer-stall level, they do not understand what is a few hundred designers followed by production for several thousands or tens of thousands of people.

And the rockets that supposedly we have are just such investment projects.

That's all obsolete - today there's outsourcing... keeping hundreds of designers and even more so production is economically unprofitable for start-up projects...


It's all obsolete - there's outsourcing today... keeping hundreds of designers, much less production, is economically unprofitable for start-up projects...

Keep your silliness to yourself with your outsourcing!

A plane, a rocket, an expressway outsourced? A beer stall outsourced. That's exactly what it's all about, that more than a beer stall is beyond the imagination of an overwhelming number of people.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Keep your outsourcing nonsense to yourself!

An aeroplane, a rocket, a high-speed road outsourced?

Aircraft, rocket and car production has long been outsourced from different components and parts and only the final assembly is done in one place.

No startup will get off the ground by keeping hundreds of designers, much less production - gagantomania is a hallmark of the Soviet Union, where economic efficiency was not taken into account...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

There, another victim of the USE.

Do you want to start a fight here through rudeness? I'm sorry, I'm not interested.