Interesting and Humour - page 4250

A good man has nothing to hide - let's all walk around without pants!


Anyone installs software downloaded from the net onto their device with great care. And they can be erased. As a last resort, you can throw the device away and buy a new one. But on the main disk in his head, which cannot be changed before his death, a man trustingly installs whatever he wants. Immediately and with songs he burns into neurons all his short "always".

Victor Pelevin, iPhuck 10.

Well, yes. As usual you should follow golden mean and do everything wisely and under control, for if you do not load anything at all you will die a fool, i.e. you have wasted your life, but if you load everything in a row you will die a useless rubbish bin in your head.

So, it is necessary to think at least a little that will be useful to the soul for dwelling in the afterlife...


Yes, as usual, you should follow the golden mean and do everything wisely and under control, because if you don't download anything at all, you will die a fool, i.e. your life is wasted, but if you do everything, you will die a useless rubbish bin in your head.

With garbage in your head and dark creatures in your aura.
Alexandr Saprykin:
With a trashy head and dark creatures in the aura.

It won't clear itself, of course, but it's not particularly difficult if you want to...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

It is highly desirable that all users have a surname, first name, patronymic (for those who are not shy about their father). In the profile, year of birth, country of residence (?), education, professional experience.

A different forum would have been different. As proof: compare the forum 5 years ago and more, when it was practically all nicknames. The appearance of surnames somehow raised the level of decency of posts.

Yes, they should hang their own photo instead of an avatar. Otherwise, it seems that they are afraid that they will meet the bankrupt buyers of their "super-profitable" robots in the street who will identify them and "face" them.)
Passport details, what's the point?
Just give me the passport details.
And the cvv code.
Passport details straight away.
Also biometric data and credit history

What a representative sample, which allows you to see how different people can be:

  • some are proud and emphasise their kinship with the Rurikids in every way.
  • Some are proud of their peasant lineage, which they will never give up in favour of aristocratic one
  • someone is proud of his developments and won't give the authorship to anyone
  • for some, the meaning of life is in the cv
  • and someone is just trying to hide behind a foreign word "nickname" which means "nickname".

СанСаныч Фоменко:

What a representative sample, which allows you to see how different people can be:

  • some are proud and emphasise their kinship with the Rurikids in every way.
  • Some are proud of their peasant lineage, which they will never give up in favour of an aristocratic one
  • someone is proud of his developments and will not give the authorship to anyone
  • for some, the meaning of life is in the cv
  • and some just try to hide behind the foreign word "nickname" which means "nickname".

And someone is an expert in criminal jargon.)))

A pseudonym would be more cultured.
