Interesting and Humour - page 4125


To understand - why trolling exists and why serious people are engaged in it - I found one small article that clearly explains the following -methods of influencing people, manipulating them (I do not know anything about the author of this article, but the explanation is understandable).

Here are some small excerpts.


Основные способы эффективного влияния, это: 

  • Use of force. Coercion, pressure, tension, pressure, challenge, bribery, magic pencil. A hard approach.
  • Influence is soft, kindly. Use of soft persuasion, prodding. A soft approach.
  • Organizing (creating or building) a situation in which necessary actions occur naturally and naturally. Tactical approach.
  • Management of vision, feeling and state. A manipulative approach.
  • Aproactive approach.


Tough approach.

Used when managing people of low psychological culture. People of high psychological culture do not use the pressure algorithm when communicating with each other. Scheme of the pressure algorithm:

  1. Busted.
    Creating an anti-resource: the deprivation of the ability to resist. Struck, taking away resources, creating confusion: Creating pain points in the soul (guilt, etc.) Making it impossible (TV already turned off. Talking to you?).
  2. Forbidden.
    Categorical orders to stop immediately, a ban on unwanted activities.
  3. Threatened.
    Fines or other punishments if the ban is broken. If that doesn't work, escalate the conflict. As positive reinforcement - no punishment.


About the soft approach.

The principle is to arouse desire, gently interest directly or through some manoeuvre.


About the tactical approach.

Organise the situation directly. Or through some other situation. General scheme: Seizure - reception - fixation.
The capture algorithm is based on pinpointed targeting (both positive and negative) of key figures.
The Capture Algorithm is the universal beginning of a relationship and can also serve as the beginning and basis for the implementation of any other Algorithm (motivation, pressure).


About themanipulative approach.

Manipulation is used naturally in many different spheres of human life:

  1. Manipulation in discussion - little tricks against the interests of the interlocutor that turn a discussion into a polemic and a bickering game.
  2. Domestic manipulations are rather transparent influences that both sides tend to see and play.
  3. In dating, flirting and seduction - sexual manipulation, seductive tricks.


A "proactive" approach

Dear Friend, it is best to act in such a way that the need for influence does not arise. So that, by and large, you create the feeling that everything is going on as it should be and that everyone is happy.


I knew it!


No, that's OK ))))) I've been ordered )))


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Market and Sales.

Vladimir Gribachev, 2017.11.14 12:22

New movie.

The client requires to delete the market order if the price has gone not in our direction by N points, stop-loss should not be touched in this case.

I ask and what is the point of such action if we can just put a stoploss?

He says: "Well, if the price goes against us and the market order is simply deleted, we will not lose money.

I've been dealing with him for three hours on this subject.

The main thing I ask is that you do not confuse the Pending Order with the market one?

If the deal is not going in our direction, we simply close it before it closes on the stop loss.

The grail is found.

ZS. The dude has been trading for over 10 years according to him.


Something like this has already happened in the UK ... the man should be given a medal already for not being afraid to ask about it ... in his thread everyone thought he was asking about a strategy tester ... although maybe not about that ...

The post (with inline translation into Russian - the original was in English):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


xxxxxx, 2017.10.25 04:55

I know my question will seem strange, but is there any way to move the current currency price on the MT4 platform? Similar to how we move stop loss and take profit levels.

I need this to test the effectiveness of EAs. Otherwise, it will take many hours of waiting to reach the right price. Is there any mechanism or app that can do this on the MT4 platform?

Thank you,


Sergey Golubev:

Something like this has already happened in the UK ... the man should be given a medal already for not being afraid to ask about it ... in his thread everyone thought he was asking about a strategy tester ... although maybe not about that ...

Here's the post (with a Russian translation embedded - the original was in English):

I need it to test the performance of Expert Advisors. Otherwise, it would take many hours of waiting to reach the right price. Is there any mechanism or application that can do this on the MT4 platform?

That's a normal question. To which there is an equally normal answer. At a minimum:

-- set the right testing area

-- adjust the speed of testing

Let's not forget that newbies are quite sensible people. They just have a lack of terminology and incomplete understanding of capabilities, that's why they express themselves "crookedly".

This is more of a problem for forum users who have been around the topic for a long time and are unable to understand and give a sensible explanation.

p.s. Well, it's just a saying: "You can't blame the mirror if you're wrong".