Interesting and Humour - page 4120


Investors are attached to the trader's master account.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

And stop insulting users -- "user" -- from the word "serit".

And an ordinary computer user is a user --юзер.

You've already been told that several times.

-Vovochka, where does your mum work?

-In a match factory, making matches.

-And daddy?

-He swears at lamps.

No matter how much your butt is on the ground, Lee's jeans won't rub off.

And the ball doesn't hit the ground!

Alexander Laur:

About the photo. What's that? Is it a titty grab? ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

About the photo. What's that? Is it a titty grab? ))

Real Frenchmen are getting soft.)

Sergey Golubev:

A user who uses a user's use with a user's benefit is a user who has used a user's use with a user's benefit.

No, better a Yusser.

"The Russian language is rich and mighty". And there is no need to use the same-rooted words in the same sentence, as if you can't do without English-language jargon. For example, there are synonyms: to use, consume, apply.


"The Russian language is rich and mighty. And there is no need to use the same-rooted words in the same sentence, as if you cannot do without English-language jargon. For example, there are synonyms: to use, consume, apply.

The Russian language is rich and powerful and functional - it instantly singles out yusers ;)))


"The Russian language is rich and mighty. And there is no need to use the same-rooted words in the same sentence, as if you cannot do without English-language jargon. For example, there are synonyms: to use, consume, apply.

Then (if instead of usher - user) - something like

"A user applying a custom function in MetaEditor to use an EA in the Metatrader terminal on a VPS".


It is better to say it in English, because MetaEditor, Metatrader and VPS are not translated into Russian (and the word function is not ours either).
Because if there is no subject, there is no name for it either.


It is like when aliens came and showed us some thing ... an outlandish thing... and what do you call it?
They aliens call it a modem (... or a router... or MetaEditor... or Metatrader... or terminal... or VPS... and so on).
As one American told me once (when I asked him to translate some technical term into Russian):"You have no such word in Russia!".

And the technical analysis is in English: all terms are in English, and even if one tries to translate them word-for-word or literary, nothing is better than "the price has bounced" (or "multidirectional movement"). Because technical analysis was not invented here and didn't start working in our country.


"Going to the supermarket to buy a cheesecake for lunch"... three words here(cheesecake, buy and go) are ours... but replace cheesecake with panini, andlet's go buy with shopping. It's like"panini supermarket lunch shopping".


It's the same with the usher.
If half of the words in a sentence (along with these items/programs, etc.) came to us from abroad, it is better to use usher as a technical term. And the word user can be used with those things that came into the world from us (wattrushka, satellite, vkontakte, etc.).

Sergey Golubev:

It's like aliens coming in and showing some kind of thing ... an outlandish thing... what do you call it?
They aliens call it a modem (... or a router... or MetaEditor... or Metatrader... or terminal... or VPS... and so on).
As one American told me once (when I asked him to translate some technical term into Russian):"You have no such word in Russia!".

It's simple: "bullshit". ) After repeatedly applying this word to an unknown object, the understanding of the essence of this object comes)

it is everything and everything is done through it )