Interesting and Humour - page 3760

СанСаныч Фоменко:
In 2016, 43 million Americans received food aid

Anyone with an income of less than ~$1000 a month can get this help. Now google the average wage in Russia. And about vouchers, too.

Yes, and 43 million is less than 15%.

And anyway. Even if hypothetically you are already on top. But to stay there you need ideas, novelty, genius. Plus, considering that geniuses cannot be produced artificially, they can appear in different environments chaotically. So what is the only option to concentrate them on yourselves, thereby ensuring technological superiority with all that this implies? The question is rhetorical. Even if it is not from a desire to make the world a better place, but banal greed. Nevertheless.

Anyone with an income of less than ~$1000 a month can get this help. Now google the average wage in Russia. And about vouchers, too.

Yes, and 43 million is less than 15%.

He's about to play an Indian record.) When he digests the numbers. A brain. The size of a grasshopper. How else can he write? It's not funny. It's a typical homo sovieticus mutant. The product of 70 years of negative selection. They should be pitied and fed.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Why are you pouring mud on the whole country here because of problems in the family? After all, more than 90% of the population of the USSR were excited about what was going on. And that's a medical fact. And you are pouring mud on these 90% of the country's population, who just lived, just built, just died for their country.

It's creepy.

It's textbook. It's a beautiful dinosaur.

Take care of him, they don't make them like him anymore.


SanSanych, have you asked American Indians if they want Russia to free them from the American "yoke"?

The only video of a real Bruce Lee fight

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I lived in a state that did not regulate predators and herbivores due to the complete absence of both. The state GUARANTEED security, education and the right to work. For ambitious members of society, it implemented grandiose projects. And we had it all.

Now, "predators and herbivores".

Come to your senses, SanSan, you need to change the system, not the pipe. Otherwise they will take you by mistake, like the one in the video, and you will be on the island of ogres to prove that you are not a fool.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

SanSanych, have you asked American Indians if they want Russia to free them from the American "yoke"?

Read for example this:

Какие еще права меньшинств? Запущен нефтепровод по костям индейцев
Какие еще права меньшинств? Запущен нефтепровод по костям индейцев
То, что сегодня происходит на землях индейцев племени сиу на севере США, вполне могло бы стать страшной частью индейского эпоса, который нашел свое отражение в "Песне о Гайавате" классика американской литературы Генри Лонгфелло. Речь идет о построенном и готовом к эксплуатации нефтепроводе Dakota Access. Четырнадцатого мая закончится заполнение...

Anyone with an income of less than ~$1000 a month can get this help. Now google the average wage in Russia. And about vouchers, too.

Yes, and 43 million is less than 15%.

Don't compare g. to p.

At that income in the US, you can forget about medicine, you'll die at home, and if they cure you, they'll take everything away. According to their laws, if you can't pay the interest on the house, even if you almost pay it, but something happens and you lose your job or get sick, the bank takes the property and you have nothing left.

михаил потапыч:

It's textbook. It's a beautiful dinosaur.

Take care of it, they don't make them like it anymore.

There are more than 70% of young people like me. And 10 years ago Stalin was the face of Russia in a Channel 2 poll. I belong to the majority.

They should be protected from people like you as a vaccine inoculating them so that they do not destroy the country once again. And you posted here with police cars and OMON riot police, who came to protect the holiday for millions of people. No, the mikhals leaked into the festive crowd and shit all over it.

Why don't you go worry about your family problems while we discuss the history that has affected our lives today. And without people like you it wouldn't be politics anymore, it would be economics.