Using neural networks in trading - page 9


После включения он будет видеть, распознавать объекты, слышать и понимать речь , двигать руками и ногами.

And what would motivate him?


And what would motivate him?

Motivating signals on the way in.

And what would motivate it?

It's my fault you wrote - Let's say we created a robot capable of seeing and recognising objects, hearing and understanding speech, moving its arms and legs, etc. Turn on the ON button and ... Question to all. What will the robot do after it is switched on?

A robot has been createdcapable of doing that as a result .

About the feelings, have you seen Terminator lately? Rise of the Machines? What are you trying to tell us? Are you planning an MQL4 rebellion?


The whole trading world knows about indicators and they are used.

There is a lot written about how to use them. Read, learn.

It's called "sending you around the world on a diplomatic trip". :)

It's called "diplomatically sending me on a round-the-world trip". :)
))))))))) no no, when I read it I remembered an acquaintance of mine, he always says that you have to know how to send a message - so that the person says thank you )))))

It's my fault you wrote - Let's say we created a robot capable of seeing and recognising objects, hearing and understanding speech, moving its arms and legs, etc. Turn on the ON button and ... Question to all. What will the robot do after it is switched on?

A robot has been createdthat is able to do that .

About the feelings, have you seen Terminator lately? Rise of the Machines? What are you trying to tell us? Are you planning an MQL4 rebellion?

Ability does not mean action. This robot will stand still and do nothing, just like a car "capable" of moving but doing nothing without a driver. I foresee some people saying "let's program this robot to do something, like jump on the spot". My answer is that this programming is equivalent to driving a car: we give commands and the robot executes them. It's not intelligence! A robot will not do anything on its own.

Those who have children may have noticed that for a short time after birth, the baby begins to move towards the mother's breast. What drives it there is hunger. Without hunger there is no motivation to move. Our feelings (hunger, self-preservation, fear, libido, etc.) control our brain. To prevent our robot from standing in place like a pile of iron 'capable' of doing something but doing nothing, it must be given 'feelings', e.g. a sense of self-preservation, which would motivate the robot to seek energy sources for its discharging power source. In this search, the robot will begin to move around, purposefully recognise objects and learn something. But one sense isn't enough. It needs a combination of senses to keep the robot from settling down by finding an outlet and plugging it in. This combination of feelings has to be finely tuned so that the robot does not harm itself or others, destroy its surroundings, etc. Somehow we think that all these emotions and feelings given to us by nature (God) are unnecessary rubbish that disturbs our brains. But in fact it is the key to our intellect. By the way, this robot of ours will never write a poem, paint a picture or compose music if it has no emotions. Intelligence (intellect) and ability are two different things.

feelings... Clifford Saimak's The Precious. "... after that incident, robots were given only numbers..."

Ability does not mean action. This robot will stand still and do nothing, just like a car that is "capable" of moving but does nothing without a driver. I foresee some people saying "we can program this robot to do something, like jump on the spot". My answer is that this programming is equivalent to driving a car: we give commands and the robot executes them. It's not intelligence! A robot will not do anything on its own.

Those who have children may have noticed that for a short time after birth, the baby begins to move towards the mother's breast. What drives it there is hunger. Without hunger there is no motivation to move. Our feelings (hunger, self-preservation, fear, libido, etc.) control our brain. To prevent our robot from standing in place like a pile of iron 'capable' of doing something but doing nothing, it must be given 'feelings', e.g. a sense of self-preservation, which would motivate the robot to seek energy sources for its discharging power source. In this search, the robot will begin to move around, purposefully recognise objects and learn something. But one sense isn't enough. It needs a combination of senses to keep the robot from settling down by finding an outlet and plugging it in. This combination of feelings has to be finely tuned so that the robot does not harm itself or others, destroy its surroundings, etc. Somehow we think that all these emotions and feelings given to us by nature (God) are unnecessary rubbish that disturbs our brains. But in fact it is the key to our intellect. By the way, this robot of ours will never write a poem, paint a picture or compose music if it has no emotions. Intelligence (intellect) and ability are two different things.

Imho, it is difficult to make conscious decisions/actions that are dictated by a 'robot' (brain) without regard to commands from the senses.
1) scared - if you didn't think/evaluate the situation, run away. Although then, after thinking about it, the right thing to do was to stay
2) Lazy - despite the fact that the brain knows and gives the right command to do at the moment on the priority, feelings (cumulative) overpower and the result does nothing.
Imho, it is difficult to make conscious decisions/actions that are dictated by a 'robot' (brain) without regard to commands from the senses.
1) scared - if you didn't think/evaluate the situation, run away. Although then, after thinking about it, the right thing to do was to stay
2) Lazy - despite the fact that the brain knows and gives the right command to do at the moment on the priority, feelings (cumulative) overpower and the result does nothing.

For those who understand spoken English, here is an interesting video about the creation of a colony of virtual beings, how their programmed feelings affect the behaviour and destiny of the colony and the development of the neural networks of these beings (creating life is not an easy task):

  • guys - find a reliable source of open orders
  • then look at the pattern of price behaviour in the percentage of orders of the mass of buy and sell traders
  • they say 90% are losing - conclude
  • make an Expert Advisor that does this analysis and learns - or rather self-optimizes and trades on the slightest pullback to the downside - that's the gray area