Interesting and Humour - page 1877


No problem. The boundary of this circle in the limit is almost everywhere an undifferentiated ("prickly") curve which is not identical to a circle.

It is not difficult to construct everywhere a continuous function which has no derivative at any point. The notion of length does not apply to the curve of the graph of this function.

If you repeat to infinity, the step sizes tend to zero.
If you repeat to infinity, the size of the steps tends to zero.
Well it doesn't matter as their number will tend towards infinity.

Good morning

If you repeat to infinity, the size of the steps tends to zero.

And you get a barbed curve, which in the limit is differentiable at only four points. Its perimeter is 4, but it will never make a circle.

By the way, it seems easy to modify this mock example to "prove" that pi equals almost any predefined positive number. It is enough to consider an ellipse instead of a circle.


And you get a barbed curve, which in the limit is differentiable at only four points. Its perimeter is 4, but it will never make a circle.

By the way, it seems easy to modify this joke example to "prove" that pi equals almost any predefined positive number. It is enough to consider an ellipse instead of a circle.

If the length of one step is zero, then the length of the circle will be zero. Always equal to zero!
Well it doesn't matter as their number will tend towards infinity.
So the length of the circle will be infinite!
If the length of one step is zero, then the length of the circle will be zero. Always equal to zero!

Then the length of the circle will be infinite!

A very cute Cheshire cat.
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