Interesting and Humour - page 3755

Aleksey Levashov:

Civil aviation pilots

It's like that, but not like that. Before that there was news about some complications in the certification of pilots and about pilots' complaints about this certification. And now it is presented in such a way that pilots themselves are to blame. This leads to some conclusions and assumptions which it is not customary to talk about in a secular society)))
Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's the way it is, but not the way it is. Before that there was news, but about some complications in the certification of pilots, and about complaints of pilots about this certification. And now it is presented in such a way, that pilots are to blame themselves. This leads to some conclusions and assumptions which it is not customary to talk about in a secular society)))
It is clear that normal business wants simplicity. Complication leads to a search for simplification and optimisation. But the main thing is the economic benefit. If they pay more for the same thing somewhere else, that is where the flow will go. Even if some formalities have to be overcome. But if they pay the same, the flow will still go there, where it is easier to channel.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

That's not what I was thinking. The question is whether they were trying to push them into military aviation with these certification fiddles. And it works out - "The deficit of military pilots in the Russian Air Force in 2016 was 1,300, the personnel shortage will be closed in 2018, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a speech to the State Duma."

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's like that, but not like that. Before that, there was news about some complications in the certification of pilots and about pilots' complaints about this certification. And now it is presented in such a way that it is the pilots' own fault. This leads to some conclusions and assumptions which it is not customary to talk about in a secular society)))
The complication of certification is legitimate, because the investigation of a number of air accidents revealed poor training of pilots, not everywhere simulators were used. And certification was sometimes trivially bought.

Fucking rocket launchers. We still have two-storey buildings that don't even have showers, the walls are cracked, they might as well bury them in this house, and the lavatory is even outside. But yes, they need weapons to fight back anyone who tries to steal their money. To defend, so to speak, the right to live a good life by appropriating people's resources.

You have stuck to your liberal song, they have it all in large quantities. For some reason many Americans are silent about the disgusting conditions they live in.
The complications of certification are legitimate, as investigations into a number of crashes have revealed poor pilot training, with simulators not being used everywhere. And attestation was sometimes trivially bought.

Have you personally investigated? They were not certified here, and once they were certified there, they were paid five times as much. Anyway, what you answer is not surprising, what else can you answer?
The complications of certification are legitimate, as investigations into a number of air crashes have revealed poor pilot training, with simulators not being used everywhere. And certification was sometimes trivially bought.

Soviet civil aviation was completely destroyed, with Alfred Koch as Vice-Prime Minister in charge. He stated bluntly: "This country is NOT worthy of its aeroplanes". Since that time and to this day the "glorious" successor to Koch's cause is Yeltsin's son-in-law Okulov.

The total destruction can be seen at any airport by the names of the planes.

But planes are the tip of the iceberg. Aviation is airfields, maintenance and training facilities with expensive equipment. Today the training of pilots for civil aviation is carried out by some private offices. These are the people we are talking about.

Let us not forget that flying pilots have to be retrained regularly, and also never to exceed the rules for time in the air and time between flights. You need services for that, and they are not there at all.

It is a whole industry. What is left of it are pathetic fragments, and even those with foreign tags.

It is in civil aviation that you can concretely see the price of Russophobia = anti-Sovietism.

The correlation, mentioned above, lies elsewhere. First, our pilots were trained in charades, then after several years of flying they were deprived of their licenses, and then they were allowed to hire foreign pilots in our companies. This is where the "fired-permits" figures surprisingly coincide.


Aeroflot takes 10 months to retrain a military pilot to a civilian.

The reverse process is only theoretically possible. A civilian pilot who has experience will be in his thirties, while military pilots at that age are beginning to be discharged.

  • Strategic bombers.
  • Military transport aircraft.
  • Reconnaissance aircraft.
  • Fighter jets.
  • Helicopters.
  • Tactical bombers.
The only item where retraining a civilian to a military is problematic is fighters. The rest are in a month.
В Чите нашли две тонны недоставленных писем при обыске у сестры почтальона
В Чите нашли две тонны недоставленных писем при обыске у сестры почтальона
МОСКВА, 11 июн — РИА Новости. Полицейские в Чите нашли две тонны недоставленных писем при обыске у сестры работника почты, говорится в сообщении управления МВД по Забайкальскому краю. "В Чите при проведении обыска по уголовному делу в квартире подозреваемой полицейские обнаружили две тонны недоставленной почтовой корреспонденции", — информирует...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Have you personally investigated? Here you have not been assessed, but there you have been paid five times as much. Anyway, what you answer is not surprising, what else can you answer?
Why should I personally investigate, the results of investigations have been published in the press and on television. The best go abroad. And the one who bought the certification will not go there himself.