Interesting and Humour - page 3758

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Make up your mind, they were building plants and factories, or they were living on subsidies.

First of all, one does not contradict the other. Apparently you do not know that there are factories that exist on subsidies. Take VAZ, for example.

Secondly, I did not mention subsidies, you have me confused with someone else.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
So first you exploited a poor taxi driver for 3 euros and then your heart ached for him?

Don't twist your words, Vassili, you have nothing to answer for...

First of all, one does not contradict the other. Apparently you do not know that there are factories that exist on subsidies. Take VAZ, for example.

Secondly, I did not mention subsidy, you have me confused with someone else.

He is trolling you))

First of all, one does not contradict the other. Apparently you do not know that there are factories that exist on subsidies. Take VAZ, for example.

Secondly, I did not mention subsidy, you have me confused with someone else.

Very humorous.
Oleg Tsarkov:

he's trolling you))

Let him troll. It doesn't make me feel angry. I'm perfectly calm.) People can see who's talking nonsense and who's telling the truth.
Oleg Tsarkov:

I've got you hooked, well if you don't think that's your thing, although that's exactly what comes to mind from the text, then let's leave it at that...

What's that got to do with rushka, by the way you call it that, while being proud of it. What does love for the motherland, for its nature and so on have to do with love for leadership. It is up to him what to turn your environment into. In nature, the level of predators and herbivores is regulated by nature. Within the framework of the state this regulator is the management, only it has the resources to do so.
... In nature, the level of predators and herbivores is regulated by nature. Within the state this regulator is served by the management, only it has the resources to do so.

I lived in a state that did not regulate predators and herbivores due to the complete absence of both. The state GUARANTEED security, education and the right to work. For ambitious members of society, it implemented grandiose projects. We had all this.

And now it is "predators and herbivores".

Uh, confusing. What is the relationship between the liberality of the "trash" and the looting of our neighbours? It's not the "cattle" looting their neighbours. nor is it the "middle class". and "looting" is a stretch.

A misunderstanding? )) IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE.) There is no room for man, neither logically nor factually)). It's a letter from an insane asylum.

A good thread has been ruined (It should have been renamed Ward 6 a long time ago). And make the sasanichi moderators. And then we'll be in perfect harmony with the content.)


Pages of history

We know more about the Gulag as a whole than about the individual "islands" of the archipelago, simply because it is easier to describe the overall picture. The strongest impression, however, comes from the details of the tragedy, each individual case of repression with its own unique drama. Historical memory is formed through personal experience. This is why details of specific tragic events are so important, especially those that are not widely known. Such as the Nazi tragedy. It is all the more remarkable as it took place in 1933, a seemingly peaceful time.

At the time when the country was celebrating the early fulfillment of the first five-year plan, the gulag system faced unexpected difficulties - it could no longer hold all the prisoners. The flow of dispossessed people kept increasing, while the campaign of passportization and the cleansing of towns from "degraded elements" was in full swing. To remedy the situation, OGPU chief Henry Yagoda proposed establishing special settlements in Siberia and Kazakhstan, where prisoners would work and be of use to the state. Plots of land were selected for them in the middle reaches of the Ob. In May 1933 the first batch of "worker settlers" was brought here. There was a shortage of transport, and the resettlers could not be immediately transported to separate plots of land - then, in order to isolate them from local residents, it was decided to drop them all off on an island opposite the village of Nazino.

What happened next we know by coincidence: Vasily Velichko, a committed communist, working as a promotional instructor in the Narym district of West Siberian territory (now Tomsk region), decided to bypass his superiors and write directly to Stalin about what he saw.

Here is what Velichko wrote: "The island itself turned out to be completely pristine, without any buildings. People were disembarked in the form in which they were taken in the cities: in spring clothes, without bedding, many of them barefoot. There were no tools and not even a crumb of food on the island. <...> This situation embarrassed many of the comrades. <...> However, these doubts were resolved by Commandant Tsypkov of the Alexandrov-Vakhov commandant's office:

- Release ..... Let them graze.

On the second day <...> the wind picked up and then frost hit. Hungry, exhausted people, without a roof, without any tools and in the main masses having no labour skills, let alone any skills of organized struggle against hardships, found themselves in a desperate situation. Frozen, they were only able to make fires, sit, lie down, sleep by the fire, wander around the island and eat rotting wood, bark, especially moss, etc. The island was also plagued by fires and smoke. There were fires and smoke all over the island. People began to die. They were burnt alive by the fires while sleeping, dying of exhaustion and cold, of burns and dampness which surrounded people. The cold was so hard to bear that one of the settlers climbed into a burning hollow and died there in front of people who could not help him, there were no ladders or axes.

<...> Only on the fourth or fifth day some rye flour arrived on the island and they began to distribute it to the settlers by several hundred grams. On receiving the flour, the people ran to the water and with their hats, trousers, jackets and trousers on, they brewed the chatter and ate it. A large proportion of them simply ate the flour, fell down and suffocated, dying of suffocation. <...> This diet did not rectify the situation. Soon cannibalism began occasionally, then in alarming proportions. At first in the most remote corners of the island, then wherever the occasion arose. The cannibals were shot by the convoy, destroyed by the settlers themselves".

And this is only a small part of the medieval horrors described by Velichko, when one third of the settlers perished.

The materials of the hot-footprint investigation also make a striking impression. The inspection revealed that the tragedy had not been planned at all - one authority forgot to provide transport, another failed to prepare foodstuffs in time, and a third failed to warn local authorities of the arrival of the resettlers. In short, the system just happened to work that way. And it worked in such a way because it did not believe in the rhetoric of a social experiment. It just churned out numbers. It is clear from the case file that many people came to the island completely by accident. Here are two examples from Velichko's letter:

"Novozhilov Vl. from Moscow. Plant "Kompressor". Chauffer. Awarded three prizes. Wife and child in Moscow. Finished work, was going to the cinema with his wife while she was getting dressed, went out for some cigarettes and was taken.

Voikin Nick. Vas. Member of the KSM since 1929, a worker at the factory "Red Textile Worker" in Serpukhov. Member of the bureau of the workshop cell, a candidate member of the plenum of the Factory Committee of the YCL, many times went on trips of the Central Committee of the YCL. He was awarded three prizes. On the day off he went to a football match. I left my passport at home.

The police knew that there were many "real Soviet people" among the displaced people, but they did not react in any way to their complaints and took away the documents that were used to prove the validity of their claims.

Everything I have written about is well known to specialists - both Velichko's letter and the investigation materialscan be found on the web. It is hard to imagine that the Nazi tragedy will ever make the news - all the participants and witnesses are long dead, and the memory of the victims seems to have been honoured (in 1993 Memorialerected a wooden cross on the island. But it still seemed important to me to tell the story. The next time you hear about "effective Stalinist management", you might think of the ordinary worker who went to a football match and ended up on cannibal island.

С.А. Красильников Письмо инструктора Нарымского окружкома ВКП(б) В. Величко в партийные органы о положении на острове Назино 3 -22 августа 1933 г. СОВЕРШЕННО СЕКРЕТНО ИОСИФУ ВИССАРИОНОВИЧУ СТАЛИНУ РОБЕРТУ ИНДРИКОВИЧУ ЭЙХЕ и СЕКРЕТАРЮ НАРЫМСКОГО ОКРУЖКОМА ВКП(б) К. И. ЛЕВИЦ 29-го и 30 апреля этого года из Москвы и Ленинграда были...
михаил потапыч:

Pages of history...

Reminds me of the story "Bread for the Dog" by Vladimir Tendriakov